Official Rangers win case over tickets with SPFL - but authorities refuse to issue compliance edict to Celtic

Given Hearts and Rangers are against the minimum % allocation this proposal will fall.
Id refuse any away fans tickets to Ibrox. There wont be many that reciprocate as they cant afford to
I’m of the opposite view, I always think there should be away fans at every game.

There should definitely be a guaranteed % in my opinion, however good luck getting enough clubs to agree what that % should be.

I always think having a certain amount of away fans in adds to the overall atmosphere
set the field for the SPFL to ensure that visiting fans (of clubs with over 30k seats) get a minimum 20% or whatever. If this is the case, the seats available to away fans must be of a similar quality and location and not in the heavens behind support beams!
That needs an 11-1 majority, and both Rangers and Hearts have said they oppose it. The old allocations are dead and will never be back in a league game.
That's truly the most ridiculous decision in football history, SPFL agree Celtic are wrong but the idiots can't define what reasonable means.

All I can say is the flood gates are open now clubs can clearly ignore whatever rules they want to in the future.

Our board better not offer them a single ticket for the return fixture.
It is a ridiculous decision from the SFA. In any court or tribunal in this country where a hearing takes place, if one side does not turn up or offer enough evidence to support their case or actions then the decision goes against them with the adjudicator recommending the relevant action to be taken to address the matter. Unless that happens there is no point in having any rules.
I’m of the opposite view, I always think there should be away fans at every game.

There should definitely be a guaranteed % in my opinion, however good luck getting enough clubs to agree what that % should be.

I always think having a certain amount of away fans in adds to the overall atmosphere
Not arguing that point, however, if the scum want to play stupid games then let's play along
Rangers absolutely nailing the SPFL and that lot in that.

We’ve done all we could. Anyone blaming Rangers in this matter needs their head examined
Not much we could have done more really. Fought for it, won and made them & spfl look stupid.

We all knew we weren't getting tickets anyway and I'm sure the club knew that aswell. Was just about strengthening out hand after a certain point.
An utter disgrace. Rangers are far too soft as usual. Should have come out properly swinging and calling it out for what it is. There is no way Celtic should be able to sell that away corner after this ruling
It’s called a grown up reply. They can’t just come out slagging everyone off. I’m not sure what they have done wrong here. The statement is very clear.
And yet the SPFL board were more than happy to intervene in this dispute over away tickets

Irrespective of your thoughts on the ticket allocation, the ultimate outcome is going to be what Celtic want.

Even if Rangers stand firm, there will be a league edict coming for next season.
An absolute certainty.

The mooted 5% minimum would benefit us over them anyway so you can guarantee it will be some convuluted ruling to bring them back level with amount of fans.
That's absolutely disgraceful. Shambolic.

Celtic didn't comply with the sub-committee. The sub-committee found in favour of Rangers. But there will be no mandating that they provide tickets, and no punishment for not complying with the committee. They can't figure out what a "reasonable" number of tickets is to give to the visiting club, yet they give tickets to visiting clubs every other week.

And they still believe there is corruption in favour of Rangers. Anyone but Celtic eh?
The filth are trying to force a ruling here that will see them get the 10% of away briefs behind the goal.
They are being obviously petulant

They want their cake and to eat it. Even if they got their way with a 10% (it should be 5%) there is simply no way they are giving us 1000 more tickets than they get at Ibrox. They’ll manufacture some reason not to do it. Exactly like they had under the old arrangements. You can’t trust this scum.

They can never again be given a full stand and have 7,000 Bears kicked out to make way for them.
"This decision calls into question the effectiveness, and highlights the procedural defects, of SPFL Rule I27.

They SPFL is failing to apply its own rules and showing a bias towards them.It has the power to decide an allocation within the framework of the rules.It has chosen not to inorder to side with celtic and their aims.

This isn't trivial Rangers as a club are up against it.I find this decision concerning and ultimately corrupt.

I could have quoted the clubs response in its entirety it sums it up very well.
Surely it would be "reasonable" for Rangers to ask the committee to prevent Celtic from selling the 800 seats normally allocated to away fans? If the committee agree Celtic have broken the rules, and agree that away fans should receive an allocation, then those seats that should have gone to visiting fans should remain empty if Celtic unreasonably refuse to allocate any. With the home team keeping the gate money, those 800 seats at £50 each are worth £40,000 income to Celtic. That is money they should be denied by their actions.
Procedures and technicalities aside. Celtic have unilateraly withdrawn tickets against SPFL rules. They should be dealt with accordingly. The amount of tickets that constitute a "reasonable" amount is irrelevant. Because zero isnt any amount let alone reasonable.

Potential big can of worms for the SPFL here. Theres now a precedence to withdraw tickets at a clubs discretion and i hope we take advantage of that in future if its not dealt with.
The club should be taking full legal action here. The scum are going against the rules to deny Rangers an allocation for the Theatre of Shame.

Rangers offered them the very same allocation given to every other club in Scotland. They CHOSE to decline it.
I personally wouldn't go near the place now but those that wish to go should be given the option.
Why should they be given an advantage having no away fans when it's them not complying with the rules? We offered them tickets earlier on in the season. Why even have fuckin rules if they are allowed to just break them as and when it suits? Scum.
I’m of the opposite view, I always think there should be away fans at every game.

There should definitely be a guaranteed % in my opinion, however good luck getting enough clubs to agree what that % should be.

I always think having a certain amount of away fans in adds to the overall atmosphere
not % but a certain number
give hearts 2700 we get full roseburn
Rangers absolutely nailing the SPFL and that lot in that.

We’ve done all we could. Anyone blaming Rangers in this matter needs their head examined

We all know the usual suspects who’s need history lessons will jump in shortly saying it’s our fault for not giving them the Broomie due to the league wins and forget things started way back in the 80’s and perhaps earlier than that.