Replacing Itten with Sakala

Oh dear, for a time it was Itten, then it was Barisic, now it is Sakala ...

... they guy being thrown in and out of the team by the chap who wanted him. SG will probably say that "we have to get the kid used to the game in Scotland" or the like. Methinks the chap called Mark Hateley got almost one season before really getting a look in ... and then it was him and MoJo instead of Ally for a time. There would have ben some agony hereabouts had the internet been around.

Honestly, I for couldn`t understand why we loaned Itten (apart from him getting game time SG didn`t offer him), nor why we get two players in, players well capable of playing any position in a 3-up-top, yet only use our stalwart and a couple of AMs, not matter what. We play the same players, same tactics and more often then not see the same toil for long spells, yet people argue about the quality of a striker that hardly gets consistent game time ...
I think Itten would have scored the headed chance Sakala made a mess of today, but I don't really think they are similar players, neither players have had enough of a run in a Rangers Jersey to compare them really
The headed chance was a terrible miss
The Itten loan move will have been 100% instigated by the player himself who is young and doesn't need to be sitting on a bench and getting a few minutes every other game.
I liked Kamberi, I actually quite liked him prior to signing for us as well. However he has done absolutely nothing to suggest he’s better than Sakala ffs :))
If we’re judging both of them in a Rangers jersey then kamberi has played better than Sakala has.

I know there’s still plenty of time to see more of Sakala but he just doesn’t look like he fits our system.
Kamberi who is currently playing for mid-table League One pish?
Aye him. He knew the league and caused Celtic problems when he played for hibs. For the short time he was with us I think he was a good impact sub, scored a great goal away to st Johnstone and was better suited to our set up than Itten and Sakala are.
Aye him. He knew the league and caused Celtic problems when he played for hibs. For the short time he was with us I think he was a good impact sub, scored a great goal away to st Johnstone and was better suited to our set up than Itten and Sakala are.

"He knows the league" is one of the laziest justifications people on here use for signing utter guff that is nowhere near good enough for us.
A wee bit early to be writing Sakala off.
He is only a ka away from the best in the world.

Joking apart, the lad is still being eased into the side and there will be games that we can exploit his pace in.
Today wasn't really one of them.
Consistently looks like he's never seen a football before, his touch is honking he's constantly looking at the ground. The heading attempt today was comical.
Don’t think he’s ever going to be a regular. If he’s used as an impact striker then he’s going to need to take his chances. Should have scored in midweek and today.

Went on a run this afternoon, tried a step over then sclaffed his delivery and lost possession.

I actually thought he look better out of possession.

There is still a lot of rawness about his game and he looks extremely erratic whether in front of goal or running with the ball.

He won’t be taking Morelos or Roofe place in the team and we’ve got Kent to come back whilst Wright is a better option - and even he doesn’t produce enough in terms of an end product.
It’s clear from watching today that we’re going to need to buy another forward in the next transfer window. Fashion looks a long way from the standard we need at the moment.
He’s hardly even had a real chance and folk are already saying it’s bad business? Rarely does anyone come on as a sub with 20 minutes to go and actually do anything or change a game. He’s raw but there is clearly something there and with our coaches he will improve. This board had a habit of writing players off far too early, happened with Lundstram a few weeks ago and Borna in the past.
I get a bit frustrated when people hit out with the chat about how young and raw he is. He's 25 in March.

Perhaps I'm a fuckwit when it comes to football but I'd expect a player's game to be relatively well advanced by this stage, and in any event I cant see how he is going to get the game time required to see him improve.

We are quite obviously utterly pratted so I guess this is the market we operate in now - some will work, and others wont. Too early to say with Sakala but I cant see him getting the minutes he needs unless there is an injury or extended period out which would force the manager's hand.

Early days but based on what I've seen he just looks totally lost.

Kamberi is utter dugshite though.
Sakala is raw but has some decent attributes which could be refined into a decent player. I do think Itten suits our team and style a bit better in terms of what we need from a striker
Aye, he doesn’t look technically as sound as I was expecting but he done well in Belgium and had offers to sign for Lille/West ham.

Our coaches have some work to do with him, but he undoubtedly has talent mate!. I will agree that I’m not so sure he’ll be effective domestically just now.

However, he hasn’t played much and is still adjusting.

Kamberi is kicking about league 1 and has hardly scored in 2 years.
I vaguely remember him signing on loan for the sheep lol
Itten would of buried the chance Sakala had today.

Said it loads of times not sure Itten is good enough for us but I think we should have kept him until we signed a replacement. Even with Sakala we needed 1 more

As for Sakala he needs games I'm not too sure hes a no9 either. All the pace in the world but comes far too deep to get the ball
Not really comparing apples with apples -Itten was bought at a reasonable fee and wanted away or rather game time. In reality Itten wouldn't have got much game time this season either.

Whilst you can make an argument that we can write players off too soon quite often there's specific detail involved for example Barasic struggling looked like more of a confidence issue rather than a technical issue.
Sakala simply doesn't look like a forward, he has pace but he really does look awkward as a player-that's a different type of criticism and I can't think of too many players who looked awkward and then made it with us...
You're right but then you'll have others asking why we're playing him from the start!
I'll put my trust in Gerrard to bleed him into the first team as he sees fit!
As will I, but folk writing him off after bits and pieces here and there is something else.
Look at the time Alfredo has had to recover the scoring touch that's his 3rd in the league today ffs.
Itten offered something different when we needed to change things up. Sakala is a more like for like sub
Sakala is like for like, who for Morelos, Roofe or Hagi out our front 3, even Kent or Wright? He is noting like any of them.
Said this on another thread but you can see attributes as to why we signed Sakala.

I don't think he should be our replacement for Alfie off the bench. I'd use his pace out wide as aimless balls lumped up to him do him no favours.

Personally, I'd have preferred Itten to have stayed as he was always worth a goal off the bench and more suited to our style of play in the league and hammer throwing teams who will park the bus.
Sakala needs so much work on his game that it’s frightening to think that if we are chasing a goal he is our only striking option off the bench. I wasn’t Itten’s biggest fan but he scored us a few big goals last season that helped clinch 55, seems mental we replaced Itten with Sakala. Florian Kamberi is a better player that Sakala.
Tend to avoid this place on matchday, simply because every match seems to bring out the mentalists. However, I feel I need to call this out as utter garbage.
If we are to step up in Europe and regularly win our league, neither Ced or Fashion are good enough.
I don't think Itten has been "written off", he's been sent out on loan to get more guaranteed game time...I still expect him to be a player who'll be banging in goals for us in the not too distant future!
Sakala played last season as a left winger and looked like he played for zambia left wing. Strange that we havent tried him in this position and we just chuck him on late on for 10 mins up front
Itten is definitely one of these players that gets better in folk’s head the longer they don’t see him play.

His goals against Motherwell were great, always be grateful to him for those! But he’s not good enough.

Sakala has work to do for sure, but I’ve not made my mind up on him yet. I like that he at least has sone attribute thats better than Morelos and Roofe - pace. He’ll need to add more than that to make it here, but there wasn’t a single area that Itten was better than those two imo.
Sakala plays like your wee mate in your team who runs about a lot but doesn’t have any real technique. He looks very raw to me. I imagine he must have closed his eyes before going for that header - there can’t be any other reason for making such a mess of it. I don’t see the ‘pace to burn’ thing either. Here’s hoping he settles down in time.
Florian Kamberi is a better player that Sakala.
