Don Robertson apologised to Mcinnes for allowing celtic's goal to stand

 Rodgers talks to officials at end

Is Brenda making a threat with something invisible in his hand
Why not.

You could have almost written the plot. A team that gets decision after decision after decision going in their favor all season gets another decision in the game to help them out in their League winning game. Then to rub salt in the wound, an “ apology” from the referee, safe in the knowledge it won’t affect him. He won’t have lost any sleep over it. Some might see it as piss taking.

Why didn’t VAR help him out ? A rhetorical question of course.

It’s Scottish football, day in, day out.
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It was worse.

Ours wasn't a head knock DH88.

I remember the outrage over the ref not immediately stopping the game here.

What justification does Robertson have for not stopping it yesterday, other than the fact it was Celtic on the attack and he's obviously terrified to give anything against them since the Hearts game (where Beaton actually got the brunt of it).

I remember the outrage over the ref not immediately stopping the game here.

What justification does Robertson have for not stopping it yesterday, other than the fact it was Celtic on the attack and he's obviously terrified to give anything against them since the Hearts game (where Beaton actually got the brunt of it).

Spot on mate. That decision was one of the most blatant examples of GIRUY to Rangers & scottish football seen this season.

And there have been many.
My goodness!!!!

The Rogue SFA Mega ensuring that the Mhob get over the line.

Collum and Robertson just to make sure -well done Willie Bhoy instead of being sacked for utter incompetence/cheating you are rewarded in the a league that VAR has PROVEN to resemble the shadiest tin-pot countries in the world.

Hilarious and unbelievably TERRIFYING if Rangers accept this scandalous situation for another season.

RANDOM officials for EVERY game drawn out of a jar might give us -and other teams a chance.
We have Robertson on Saturday as an extra layer of security.

I regards most of our refs incompetent - I regard Robertson and Clancy as cheats.
We have Robertson on Saturday as an extra layer of security.

I regards most of our refs incompetent - I regard Robertson and Clancy as cheats.
You watch Robertson and co will make it look as if we are also feted by giving us some soft decisions in a meaningless rubber. Don Robertson is a cheat, contrast the pen he gave the filth v Hearts and the one he didn’t give Cantwell in the first OF…the former was a totally abhorrent piece of cheating whilst the latter was, well, exactly the same in that it wasn’t given.
They make a big deal about referees not being paraded after games and explaining their decisions. If the refs are going to apologize to managers, who then share with the media, why wouldn't they just bring the ref out to explain themselves.

For the record, I saw the video yesterday and the tim more or less smashed the defender in the face with the back of his hand. Looked pretty obvious.
Once again a referee's wrong call assists celtic.
This is a very usual occurrence never ever questioned by our intrepid journalists and media
But if we get a correct call,we'll reaction so different. Is it cheating. I think definitely yes
Always remember we had a player down with a head injury for a number seconds in Gio's first Old Firm game when they beat us for the first time in ages. It was the first goal in that game too. Huge moment and couldn't believe that the referee didn't stop play as it was an obvious head injury. Roles reversed, we do not get that goal.
Strange how all these 'honest mistakes' seem to favour one club. Furthermore, in most professions if you accept that you have shown gross negligence or startling incompetence you tend to be removed from your position. In Scotland they appoint you 'head of refereeing'. Our board's silence on the appointment of Collum and capitulation on the handball at Torbett Towers is indicative of the malaise that has taken grip at Ibrox.
The more decisions like this happen and ones like their penalty in Saturday you wonder if there’s actually any point of spending thousands every year to back your team.

Robertson this season has not even tried to hide how much of a cheat he is. He’s been than bad not even Clancy has got near him in the cheating stakes. Not one decision has gone our way in the last 5 old firm games and every one that could cost hurt Celtic has somehow gone in their favour.

It makes their outcry after one bad decision against Hearts show you just how corrupt the game is as since then they’ve not 1 single decision go against them as the refs are terrified of the backlash.
Always remember we had a player down with a head injury for a number seconds in Gio's first Old Firm game when they beat us for the first time in ages. It was the first goal in that game too. Huge moment and couldn't believe that the referee didn't stop play as it was an obvious head injury. Roles reversed, we do not get that goal.
Madden thought about blowing to stop the game but decided to let Hatate have a pop at goal knowing -as he was classed a ' Hun Ref ' - the shit he would receive if he done the correct thing.
Had a pantomime with a chat to the linesman but he was never ever going to rule it out.
i'm shocked that anyone is shocked

this is the team that were allowed to halt an oppositions attack as their player pulled a hamstring
who got a free kick for 2 of their own players running into each other
That first one sticks in my mind too, I think they were also 'given' the drop ball
If our manager highlights incompetence (cheating) from a referee, he will be banned from the dugout for a number of games.
If the board issue a statement expressing concern about the poor performance (cheating) of a referee, they will be ridiculed in the media and the governing bodies will swat them aside.
Next season, when a clear refereeing error (cheating) goes against us, I’d love to see the entire support leave the stadium. Only with such drastic action have we any hope of altering the biased actions of some officials.
Obviously, the proposed protest would have to be publicised, planned and coordinated, with perhaps a couple of nominated supporters reviewing on field decisions in a location away from Ibrox. If, after watching footage of the incident, they are convinced we have suffered an injustice, their contacts in the stadium could be notified that a walk out should commence.
I realise that I sound like a moon howler, but if we do nothing, the cheating will continue. I’m also aware that if even around half the support joined the protest it would be incredible.
While the performance of the team this season has at times been poor, I have absolutely no doubt that Rangers would have won the league with fair officiating.
Months ago I said there was a battle going on between Collum, Clancy and Robertson to win the Best Mhob Ref Award.

Robertson and Clancy performed well pleasing the Demented Leprechaun and the Mhob on many occasions

Robertson certainly blew it when Beaton's request to review 2 incidents was just too HUMILIATING even for him to ignore - but he has preformed fantastically since to repair the damage!!!

BUT clear winner was Willie Bhoy not seeing Johnson punch the ball out of play - and VAR being dismissed.

Willie Bhoy gets promoted - runners up won't be too disappointed though!!!!
Similar happened years ago when Dougie Mcdonald changed a penalty decision that he had awarded Celtic and it effectively ended his career. The same season Craig Thompson changes his mind on a penalty decision he awarded Rangers in LC Final. Thompson went on to referee in the Champions League.
The more decisions like this happen and ones like their penalty in Saturday you wonder if there’s actually any point of spending thousands every year to back your team.

Robertson this season has not even tried to hide how much of a cheat he is. He’s been than bad not even Clancy has got near him in the cheating stakes. Not one decision has gone our way in the last 5 old firm games and every one that could cost hurt Celtic has somehow gone in their favour.

It makes their outcry after one bad decision against Hearts show you just how corrupt the game is as since then they’ve not 1 single decision go against them as the refs are terrified of the backlash.
It wasn't even a bad decision against Hearts. Referees have been pretty consistent in giving handball in that type of situation.
No the point is regardless of winning the league why do you think it’s ok for referees to cheat and assist one club would you be so glib if that one situation caused us to lose the league?
I believe the general reason for reffing mistakes is that they're shite.

We think they're cheats and Celtic think they're cheats.

Then you have the other ten teams who think the refs cheat in the two big teams favour. The whole league is calling them cheats they can't be cheating everyone.

If you watch the highlights of every spl game other than just the ones with Rangers and Celtic in them, you'll see that there's absolutely ridiculous ref and var decisions in every game, just like there often are in ours.

Watch every team all season and it's a level playing field when it comes to refereeing. If your a Celtic fan that generally only watches Celtic you'll naturally feel like Celtic are cheated. If you are a Rangers fan and generally only watch Rangers you'll naturally feel like Rangers are cheated, as you will never be looking at it from any other angle or any other teams perspective.

The reality is it happens to every team because the refs are shite and var needs major improvement work.

And the reality is we lost the league because we weren't good enough.

That's my stance and won't be pulled into arguing it any further. Each to their own.
He SHOULD have apologised but was too busy thinking “yaaas that’s us won the league”
There’ll never be a level playing field as long as the referee pool is infested with yahoos.
By the 17%, for the 17%. For the whole of my lifetime, and no doubt my son’s…
I believe the general reason for reffing mistakes is that they're shite.

We think they're cheats and Celtic think they're cheats.

Then you have the other ten teams who think the refs cheat in the two big teams favour. The whole league is calling them cheats they can't be cheating everyone.

If you watch the highlights of every spl game other than just the ones with Rangers and Celtic in them, you'll see that there's absolutely ridiculous ref and var decisions in every game, just like there often are in ours.

Watch every team all season and it's a level playing field when it comes to refereeing. If your a Celtic fan that generally only watches Celtic you'll naturally feel like Celtic are cheated. If you are a Rangers fan and generally only watch Rangers you'll naturally feel like Rangers are cheated, as you will never be looking at it from any other angle or any other teams perspective.

The reality is it happens to every team because the refs are shite and var needs major improvement work.

And the reality is we lost the league because we weren't good enough.

That's my stance and won't be pulled into arguing it any further. Each to their own.

Serious question.
Why would Celtc think the refs are cheats, mate. ?