Octopus sandwich at Bari, Italy. 8 Euros

A lot are caught in Scotland, they climb in the creel cages to eat the prawns then get trapped.
Most are sold to Spain.
Octopus is not something I like to cook.
I find it too rubbery.
Seems to be the in thing ATM though.
Had it in Dubai last year in a real classy place. Was up all night shittin’ & spewing. Tasted alright at the time but never again First time I’d been violently sick since my younger years trying out different drink.
Big game for them this Thursday a playoff match to avoid relegation from Serie B , they simply need a win and that is the only thing that will save them and the Octopus sandwhich , if not the Octopus .

Come on Bari
I hate the fact octopus are so damn tasty because, as above, they're a truly remarkable species. Serving up poor Paul on a dry bread roll with side salad is a bit uncouth all the same.