Respect- Scott Brown

Because Walter was a special man and it doesn’t matter his background, he was so well respected. People recognise this, no matter who they support. If your a true football fan then you will get it.
I don't like Scott brown. I never have or will like him but I didn't expect anything less that this kind of respect. He's played for Walter at Scotland and will have played against Walters teams at both hibs and celtc. Its very clear from the interview accross the board just what respect Walter commanded.
Transcends football rivalry and it just becomes about football. The measure of the man. A giant.

(applies to normal people only, there are some sick individuals out there clearly).
This is one of those rare times I’m steering clear of Twitter and kds meltdown etc.
I’ll never forget or forgive The Sheep supporters for the singing all the way through the minutes silence for Rangers and Scotland great George Young.
Always found Aberdeen fans to be a have a good number of more sinister fans tbh. Said it before, but Celtic fans are a deluded and paranoid bunch on the whole, with some real hate thrown in, but Aberdeen fans take it to a whole other grotty, evil level at times.
They’re vile on their forum but only because their identities are hidden and they thrive on seeing their usernames/posts posted on here. They’re protected by a big fence at pittodrie so feel like they can sing/say/do what they want.

Having lived in and around the city my whole life just like thousands of Rangers fans i have never had one single bit of trouble from any of them. They would never confront anyone, plastic hard nuts and keyboard warriors living off a “reputation” from the 80’s.
Another aspect of Walters greatness...bridging divides.

I’ve just been on their forum and there is absolutely zero bridging divides. A sickening picture of throwing Smith into a fiery hell with pictures of Cooper and Ricksen already there.

Remember they posted that and got many likes tomorrow night when you see the Sheep supporters getting everything they deserve!!

Utter fucking Scum.
Had a look at their forum it's not pretty, Celtic fans actually showing much more respect.

Yeah they never forgot about him carrying Tommy Burns' coffin.

There are things that will always be more important than a rivalry over men kicking a ball about.
Respect to Scott Brown for that and I’m sure Walters family will appreciate it.

Don’t wast a second thinking about the utter scum and pond life hiding behind their keyboards, they are completely irrelevant sad individuals.

Today and tomorrow is about remembering one of our own and our thoughts are with the great mans family, a true Ranger and a friend to us all.

A man of integrity, honesty, loved and respected by every decent minded person who’s life he touched.
On topic.
Very decent of Brown to talk like that. Could have said he didn’t want to talk about it.
As has been mentioned, Scott Brown seems a pretty decent guy off the pitch. I actually found respect from him when that scumbag said something about his dead sister outside Ibrox, and he just stared. If I had been Brown i wouldn't have been able to control myself.
Well done Brown.

Some of the filth posted on the Sheep board is sickening. They really are a rancid bunch of scum.
Christ, I just had a look, what the hell is wrong with them, incredible stuff being posted. I won't go down the road of tarring all their support with the same brush, and I would hope that most of these posts are by little teenage boys trying to act the hardman, as surely no grown up adult is going to be posting such stuff.
I'm not Scottish but I think that's one Scotsman showing affection and respect to another, fair play to Scott Brown paying his respects to an outstanding man and manager.