FFS Sportsound with Tom Ireland and John Heartless just now

"We're in uncharted waters. Nobody saw this coming.

"This could last another six, eight, nine months - and we'd have to close the season then.

"If the season doesn't get going then I think Rangers would come away with an awful lot of credit and great sportsmanship with the lead that Celtic have - it is a huge lead.

"Celtic probably need to lose five of their last eight games to be overtaken. Let's be realistic, that ain't going to happen.

"If Rangers were to say 'Right ok you have been worthy champions, you've got a massive lead and if the season was to stop Celtic would be handed the title'.

"I could honestly say I would say exactly the same thing if Rangers had the lead that Celtic have.

"There are certain cases, in my opinion, where you go 'Lets have a bit of common sense here'.

"If Rangers were to do something like that as a football club I really think it would bring football together.

"Look at the gratitude they would show. I think they would come out of it with huge respect and gratitude from the other clubs.

"It would be unbelievable if something like that was to happen.

"There is no way in anyone's mind that Rangers could catch Celtic."

The last desperation of a Tim is usually the "I would do the exact same thing if it was Rangers who were top"

No you wouldn't. Don't kid yourself.
People are dying. Decent folk stopped caring about football at least a week ago when things became clear. Nobody will care if FC Bheast appoint themselves champions*, it will only confirm to the rest of the world what we already knew: that they are scum of the lowest order who have no place in decent society.
Hartson is a cretinous individual you'd think his health scare would mean he would be able to look at aspects of life fairly and freely but naa he's stuck with his head up Lawells arse trotting out whatever pish he wants him to
"We're in uncharted waters. Nobody saw this coming.

"This could last another six, eight, nine months - and we'd have to close the season then.

"If the season doesn't get going then I think Rangers would come away with an awful lot of credit and great sportsmanship with the lead that Celtic have - it is a huge lead.

"Celtic probably need to lose five of their last eight games to be overtaken. Let's be realistic, that ain't going to happen.

"If Rangers were to say 'Right ok you have been worthy champions, you've got a massive lead and if the season was to stop Celtic would be handed the title'.

"I could honestly say I would say exactly the same thing if Rangers had the lead that Celtic have.

"There are certain cases, in my opinion, where you go 'Lets have a bit of common sense here'.

"If Rangers were to do something like that as a football club I really think it would bring football together.

"Look at the gratitude they would show. I think they would come out of it with huge respect and gratitude from the other clubs.

"It would be unbelievable if something like that was to happen.

"There is no way in anyone's mind that Rangers could catch Celtic."

The last desperation of a Tim is usually the "I would do the exact same thing if it was Rangers who were top"

No you wouldn't. Don't kid yourself.
The moral high ground, the latest twisted residence of the bheast. They really are lower than a snakes belly.
The dogs in the street knew we were getting done over big style when Whyte was given the club and not one ,using the word extremely loosely, journalist had the integrity, no laughing, please, to call it out. No,they went into a huddle and had a huge laugh at our expense. Fu ck them all
"We're in uncharted waters. Nobody saw this coming.

"This could last another six, eight, nine months - and we'd have to close the season then.

"If the season doesn't get going then I think Rangers would come away with an awful lot of credit and great sportsmanship with the lead that Celtic have - it is a huge lead.

"Celtic probably need to lose five of their last eight games to be overtaken. Let's be realistic, that ain't going to happen.

"If Rangers were to say 'Right ok you have been worthy champions, you've got a massive lead and if the season was to stop Celtic would be handed the title'.

"I could honestly say I would say exactly the same thing if Rangers had the lead that Celtic have.

"There are certain cases, in my opinion, where you go 'Lets have a bit of common sense here'.

"If Rangers were to do something like that as a football club I really think it would bring football together.

"Look at the gratitude they would show. I think they would come out of it with huge respect and gratitude from the other clubs.

"It would be unbelievable if something like that was to happen.

"There is no way in anyone's mind that Rangers could catch Celtic."

The last desperation of a Tim is usually the "I would do the exact same thing if it was Rangers who were top"

No you wouldn't. Don't kid yourself.

My eyes my eyes what have a I just read
Honourable - That died with the Tour of Japan
...or Phil O'Donnell, or scurrilous allegations, or employing known abusers.
Helicopter Sunday is enough to refute their absurd arguement anyway.
Will no one ever mention "sporting integrity" ever again?
Sometimes football becomes an irrelevance, why is this even a topic of discussion, when the country is facing its biggest crisis since the last world war? Yet these peopke are more concerned with the title continuity of the child molesters, than the health and welfare of the whole country.
Shameless does not begin to cover this.
So a bitter ex Celtic player and a Rangers hating rugby hack on a media outlet which is in open warfare with us think we should give Celtic the title .... predictable is being kind
The mantra is keep telling the nation the same story as though it’s the true and proper thing to do and it will happen, how do we think the country is th way it is ?
for years we have been drip fed Rangers bad Celtic good, unionism very bad and nationalism the best way forward. And we sat back to be laughed at