FFS Sportsound with Tom Ireland and John Heartless just now

Probably mentioned earlier in this thread but I don't remember the media demanding their east end favourites allow Legia Warsaw to proceed in Europe after their administrative error in 2014.

What was the aggregate score 5-1 to the Poles?

ended 6-1, pumped 4-1 in Poland and 2-0 at Murrayfield
I shouldn't give Hartson's opinions a second thought, but interested to know if he included the other 3 leagues and relegation in his wish for clubs to concede defeat.

Or was it just so Celtic get to call themselves winners and nothing else is worth thinking about?
Core rule of sport is that it isnt over until its over. History of sport is full of unlikely comebacks. Why would we give that chance up for no reward.
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For any bears on Twitter facebook or whatever. Please dont get sucked into a row about this. Just simply say that now is not the time there are much more important things going on in the world, yes the world. Not the spl.

Same advise to the club. They dont have to say a thing. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Jurgen klopp has made his statement which should be the way forward for everyone.

Having lost my parents, believe me. Football is the last thing on your mind, when you lose a loved one.
Heart & Hand, 4Lads etc. Plenty good content out there without having to listen to Rangers haters.

Don't know why I'm surprised by their behaviour but thought even they might show a bit of class in the midst of a global pandemic - more fool me!
I listen to all of them - I prefer cjnovo992 - but I'm stuck at home thinking about our club and found this by accident - I agree we have no idea where this is all going - which makes it commentable and without substance
I don’t think even those outside the filth bubble that hate us with a passion would honestly believe that the filth would hand us a title if roles were reversed.

Let’s face it one would no more trust Hartson with a rational, objective thought processes on this matter than they would Torbett and separate entity with the safety and well being of their youth footballers!
Wanting us to "give it up" by definition means it ain't yet won.

So the honourable thing to do is surely to call it null and void.
Probably mentioned earlier in this thread but I don't remember the media demanding their east end favourites allow Legia Warsaw to proceed in Europe after their administrative error in 2014.

What was the aggregate score 5-1 to the Poles?
Of course or Sion mate
The only positive I take from that is that these fukn chancers need Rangers to concede it to get what they want and its not being given to them by the powers that be.
2 words chaps.
No Surrender
Being lectured about honour by a club that blatantly lied about going on a tour of Japan?

Wow irony really is lost on that lot.
The only positive I take from that is that these fukn chancers need Rangers to concede it to get what they want and its not being given to them by the powers that be.
2 words chaps.
No Surrender

null and void - anything else is not sporting and tainted to the highest order, after all, there will be no more football after player's contracts expire. I think some players might get p45s before June in all honesty.
Laughable stuff from the desperate duo.
Wonder who the next apologist wheeled out will be? Unless I’ve missed something (maybe a blessing in disguise) it must be time for 3 names to spout his drivel on the subject.
They can have it with an asterisk on it. Also they have to split the cash for the league, their cl money and TV money between all clubs in the premier league for next season.
That would be the honourable thing to do.
We should release a statement saying something along the lines of "if this title is really all ceptic have to worry about then let them have it, we at Rangers and the rest of the real world can carry on worrying about a global pandemic and the devastation it is bringing to families and communities around the world"
We concede nothing.
It would be honourable to gift a team a title they haven't won?

Accepting you have not a won a title due the need to null the league campaign would be the decent thing to do. Not the honourable thing to do, the decent thing to do.
You also have to look at the wallopers who allow this sort of programme to be broadcast in the current climate.
Do they have no morals?
(Sorry, daft question....)
These fools are so predictable and are morally bankrupt tbqfhwy. If Rangers even think about handing the mentally challengeds anything it would be an incredibly massive own goal, and a slap in the coupon to every supporter that's paid their hard earned dosh
Celtic is a club with absolutely no shame, and their cheerleaders have no shame either. Be it Hartson, Sutton, English, or McAvennie, they are all shameless rats who put their club before everything. Next up will be Tom Boyd for sure.
It’s a pity none of them have much to say about the decades of covering up CSA at the ‘Celtic Family’. Everything about that club is rancid.
Its almost as if a concerted media narrative is being played out to award them the title. Who'd have thought it ?
They must be panicking about not getting the title if they are going down this route. It's disturbing at a time like this he is trying to create a situation where if we don't bow down to his demand our club would be morally wrong, in his warped mind of course.

As for Celtic needing to lose five games to lose the title that is simply not true. The gap is 13 points and we have a game in hand. If we win every match they would need to lose 3 and draw 1 for us to win the league.
Do the honourable thing and take full responsibility for harbouring paedophiles at your club over the course of four decades, the mindset of these people boils my piss.
People are dying worldwide daily and it's getting worse daily, this pandemic wont stop next week or next month, all this fat w@nk is worried about it "The Title"......have the f@cking thing you inconsiderate piece of sh1t. Wrong on all levels to award anything unfinished however a club with their morals then nothing surprises me.
Celtic is a club with absolutely no shame, and their cheerleaders have no shame either. Be it Hartson, Sutton, English, or McAvennie, they are all shameless rats who put their club before everything. Next up will be Tom Boyd for sure.
It’s a pity none of them have much to say about the decades of covering up CSA at the ‘Celtic Family’. Everything about that club is rancid.

How long before Charlie Nickelarse changes his mind and joins the bandwhaggon?
No, what would be honourable, ya bloated prick, is the scum accepting that the season is null and void, and that there's greater things at stake here than a fucking league title.

The brass neck on these mentally challenged bastards is incredible!
"We're in uncharted waters. Nobody saw this coming.

"This could last another six, eight, nine months - and we'd have to close the season then.

"If the season doesn't get going then I think Rangers would come away with an awful lot of credit and great sportsmanship with the lead that Celtic have - it is a huge lead.

"Celtic probably need to lose five of their last eight games to be overtaken. Let's be realistic, that ain't going to happen.

"If Rangers were to say 'Right ok you have been worthy champions, you've got a massive lead and if the season was to stop Celtic would be handed the title'.

"I could honestly say I would say exactly the same thing if Rangers had the lead that Celtic have.

"There are certain cases, in my opinion, where you go 'Lets have a bit of common sense here'.

"If Rangers were to do something like that as a football club I really think it would bring football together.

"Look at the gratitude they would show. I think they would come out of it with huge respect and gratitude from the other clubs.

"It would be unbelievable if something like that was to happen.

"There is no way in anyone's mind that Rangers could catch Celtic."

The last desperation of a Tim is usually the "I would do the exact same thing if it was Rangers who were top"

No you wouldn't. Don't kid yourself.
Why would they have to lose 5 games fartson? As far as I can see it would only need to be 4 and 2 of them would be against us.
Is it honourable to hide behind a separate entity lie to retain the reputation , that's a laugh, of your club? After five decades of child rape? Like to hear his comments on that. Not that I ever will. Meantime there are people dying every day in the UK, and many more to come.
They’re panicking like fu*k! The league will be null and void!
800 people died in Italy yesterday in one day! We’re 3 weeks behind and when we’re reporting the same numbers football will be the last thing on anyone’s mind!
That fat fu*k will be out of a job soon because there’ll be no football to comment on. The guys a total wank!