Cyriel Dessers talking of receiving verbal abuse.

He probably be better served doing some extra drills at training so he didn't approach the ball like a Lipizzaner Stallion any time he has a shooting opportunity.

22 goals and 8 assists says otherwise. How many of our strikers over the past 30 years have hit that many. He was definitely struggling physically when he arrived and at times isn't the prettiest, but the lad gives us everything he's got and does so with a smile and great attitude. Some of the abuse he has taken would have broken many a player. He's certainly got the character required.
20+ goals is a decent season for any striker, I don't care what anyone says. Particularly for his first season here and at times being booed and sarcastically cheered when subbed off by some of the idiots in our support.

If others had contributed as much as Dessers we maybe wouldn't have bottled the title.
Thing with Dessers is, at 29 years of age, you’re probably not going to coach him to be a better player.

What we get from him is what we’re likely going to continue to get - lots of goals, but also lots of missed sitters, poor hold up play, indecisiveness in front of goal and a general clumsiness.

At £4.5m, most of us expected better, but perhaps we need to accept that in the market we find ourselves having to shop in, the out of the box quality we’re looking for probably isn’t there at that sort of price and imperfect players like Dessers are what we’re largely going to end up with.

I think he can hold his head up. He took dog’s abuse but never hid.

Give us a cup final winning goal, Cyriel, and you might just win over most of the support yet.
The abuse and vitriol aimed at our own players by some supporters is an absolute disgrace.

I'm not really a fan of Dessers as a player but he works hard and tries his best. It's my opinion that his best isn't really good enough but it's only my opinion, and others are entitled to theirs.

It's fine to be of the opinion that Tav is never a captain or Scott Wright isn't the answer or Goldson is past his best or whatever and it's fine to express it constructively. Too often some overstep the mark into personal abuse.

We are loyal fans and paying customers. We have the right to demand certain standards but it's not an open invitation to act like an arsehole.
He’s the least of our problems.

I disagree -replacing him as the striker is as important as any position.

Abuse is wrong , always but he is the player who absolutely frustrates the crowd more than anyone else and sadly for good reason.

He's absolutely dire at leading the line as a lone striker before we get to him fumbling the ball in important areas constantly.
I disagree -replacing him as the striker is as important as any position.

Abuse is wrong , always but he is the player who absolutely frustrates the crowd more than anyone else and sadly for good reason.

He's absolutely dire at leading the line as a lone striker before we get to him fumbling the ball in important areas constantly.
He's still the least of our problems.
The level of irate and pettiness some of our fans go to is beyond embarrassing. Tav, Cantwell, Roofe, Dessers, Silva - folk go absolutely insane over borderline nothing. There’s a fine line between Scot’s’ dour and fishwife hysteria.

Regardless of how much you earned, nobody on here would be ok with such vitriol every time they opened up social media.
I think we’ve all been frustrated at him when he’s missed a chance or failed to get a shot away and I’ve been critical of that but I’ve been critical of defenders not stopping a cross, centre halves not stopping a ball at the near post but never beyond that.

Abuse however is not deserved.

Dessers is a likeable big fella who has improved as the season has gone on and I wouldn’t be too upset if he’s still here next season.
He probably be better served doing some extra drills at training so he didn't approach the ball like a Lipizzaner Stallion any time he has a shooting opportunity.
I think it will be highly amusing if he stays and bangs in 30 goals next season. Just to see people eating their words on here.
I like him to be honest. If we can just get his timing right with his 4 legs then I think he’ll improve.
It's probably abuse like this pish he's receiving from so called Rangers fans.
It’s far from abuse mate unlike some posts in recent months.
I’m one to talk though. I’d love nothing more than to kick Beale straight in the balls. A charlatan of the highest order.
I won’t start on my views on the board. I’ll only be attacked by their happy clappers on here that know them “personally” let’s say.
He’s far from our biggest problem.

He’s been available all season, could’ve easily chucked it with the abuse and feigned injury, but he didn’t and has played every game with a decent return.

Is he a bit erratic? Aye. But that can be a positive too as defenders don’t have a clue what he’s going to do.

Tbh, I’m looking forward to seeing how he gets on next season with better players around him.
I don't care what people say , I like him . I see a lot of super ally in him. He took all the stick and keeps smiling . 29 goals is a fair return , also we wouldn't be at Hampden next week without him . Let's see where we go next season . Finally with Roofe out sima and Danilo out , ask yourself where would we have been without Cyril
Wish more players in our team had his attitude and mentality

Absolutely. Might not be blessed with great ability, but he believes in himself and gives it his all.

All in he has had a decent season, can’t argue with 22 goals, more than any of our other more recent strikers.
Stop being obtuse.

He was roundly booed at Ibrox.

It’s a stick on the bam element of our support would be abusing him on social media.

We’ve all saw it with other players.
The team got booed but, Dessers has also been subjected to abusive articles by media mouthpieces. I just find it bizarre that posters automatically assume when he mentions abuse , it must be Rangers fans he is talking about abusing him on social media.

Id wait till he actually confirms this before condemning Rangers fans as the ones that must have abused him on social media platforms.
The team got booed but, Dessers has also been subjected to abusive articles by media mouthpieces. I just find it bizarre that posters automatically assume when he mentions abuse , it must be Rangers fans he is talking about.
There was a game where Dessers got booed individually

I can’t remember the exact game, others may remember.

He was being subbed off and he got booed.
You wonder how much social media (particularly twitter) has had an impact on the way people form their views now.
I've read a lot of really interesting stuff about lonely middle aged men and their parasocial relationships via social media recently. The stuff around sports and feelings of ownership over players is quite telling, but also how it can lead to significant mental health difficulties when they feel that the players aren't meeting their expectations, or loss when one moves on.

Reading those, then seeing some of the stuff posted on here and other forms of social media is eye opening.
Negativity and vileness gets rewarded with more likes and retweets. Reinforcing the most obnoxious and hate filled behaviour.
Just look at recent threads here. Since the 3-3 game we've had thread after thread telling us how everyone's a loser, and they can't wait for them to get out of the club, and they're all cunts anyway who don't care, they don't hurt like us...

Threads offering a different view are infested with the same negativity within minutes, or posters are being told to stop posting by people who don't want their negativity ruined with actual discussion (happened last night re social media).
He’s not remotely good enough to be a Rangers number 9 but he does highlight that some of our supporters also aren’t remotely good enough to deserve our club.
I agree Rangers require better based on his end-product, however his goal return and glimpses of his talent have shown there is a player in there, somewhere…

Just my opinion of course, I don’t watch him every week.
Twitter/X in particular. It seems to be a competition to see who can be most irate.
I only ever went on Twitter when we used it for the Spotlight information just to get it out there. I’d occasionally glance at some of the stuff posted by so called Rangers fans. It’s a cesspit. Never been on it since.
Sadly there're so many idiots online and amongst our support. Dessers has done really well in his first season and is the absolute least of our worries.

Look at the scoring stats across the rest of the forward line and from our midfield - therein lies our problem. Not Dessers.
This is said about the majority of players that fans want to see gone though. Given how bad he was at times and in particular in some games that really did prove very costly, I’d say least of our worries is stretching it. Butland would be the least of our worries.
Saddens me the number of people who make excuses for Dessers.

For me it's a sign that our expectations are lowering.

He's never a striker good enough for us to win the league but people seem to like him and when you ask why they say things like "good attitude", "gives everything" or "nerver stops trying".

Nobody is ever able to say anything about his ability because it just isn't there.

He's scored 22 goals this season but the number of chances he's missed in big moments in big games is just astonishing.

If we start next season with an honest tryer up front again then sadly we're winning absolutely nothing.
This is just untrue.
You don’t get twenty odd goals without having something.
I totally agree with your next paragraph though.
One of two very good chances taken at 1-0 up at Dingwall might have made the difference.
It’s far from abuse mate unlike some posts in recent months.
I’m one to talk though. I’d love nothing more than to kick Beale straight in the balls. A charlatan of the highest order.
I won’t start on my views on the board. I’ll only be attacked by their happy clappers on here that know them “personally” let’s say.
Beale definitely mate.
Contemplating the state of my club yesterday and started thing about that absolute fucking scumbag bastard whyte.
Love to get a hold of that prick.
I think Dessers did decent for being what was essentially meant to be our number 2 striker. Probem for me was games like Benfica at home. He offered zero as a striker or target up front. Id sell for the right price but i think next season he is a good number 2.
He's one of the few who has the attitude to succeed at Rangers. It's his other attributes that let him down. That being said I don't think he should or was expected to play as much as he did. Still let's himself down with his decision making and can't be the starting no.9 next season
I like the guy and he has a cracking attitude but he's simply not good enough to be our main striker, and there is absolutely no excuse for the abuse he has received.
I remember people saying the same about Ally McCoist in his first couple of seasons and look how that turned out. I’m not saying Dessers will be as good but the guy deserves a chance if Clement brings in better players around him.
This is said about the majority of players that fans want to see gone though. Given how bad he was at times and in particular in some games that really did prove very costly, I’d say least of our worries is stretching it. Butland would be the least of our worries.
Nope. Butland isn’t the article of perfection many make him out to be. He’s a good keeper but no more. Plenty of goals he should’ve done better with.
Nope. Butland isn’t the article of perfection many make him out to be. He’s a good keeper but no more. Plenty of goals he should’ve done better with.
He’s done a damn sight better than Dessers. I’d love to know what those goals were too, because there’s been a few, unless you’re expecting Manuel Neuer levels from him, there certainly haven’t been plenty.
I remember people saying the same about Ally McCoist in his first couple of seasons and look how that turned out. I’m not saying Dessers will be as good but the guy deserves a chance if Clement brings in better players around him.
Absolutely what do people want
Scores in Europe , scores against Celtic,
Scores important goals
He'll get the winner next week at Hampden
Absolutely what do people want
Scores in Europe , scores against Celtic,
Scores important goals
He'll get the winner next week at Hampden
He’s scored 1 goal against Celtic. Similar in quality and importance to the one Joe Garner scored on his debut and we know how that turned out. I’d love for you to be right about the cup final but sadly I don’t share your confidence.