Gianni Infantino tells fans to get ready for 'best' FIFA video game yet

It will include a bribery function where you can buy tokens with real money, to change a decision. FIFA wanted it to be as realistic as possible.:))
That would be a fun addition to career mode. Let a player have the option to try and bribe a referee or field an unregistered player. AI would kick in and potentially let you get away with it and reward the risk, or potentially get caught and receive a big points deduction. Maybe not very “in the spirit of the game” but it would be fun :))
It is Ultimate Team kids like, not the FIFA name so it will be in the shadow of EA for a long, long time to come.
Wonder if they’ll pull the names off EAFC.

Bring back the days of Roberto Larcos at left back.
Wonder if they’ll pull the names off EAFC.

Bring back the days of Roberto Larcos at left back.
Roberto Larcos and Liverpool Reds vs Manchester Blues

its a nonsense - unless they get something to rival Ultimate team, they are fighting a losing battle everyone (including me) that plays FC24 knows the game play is absolutely terrible - why a lot of well known streamers have chucked it in protest.
It is Ultimate Team kids like, not the FIFA name so it will be in the shadow of EA for a long, long time to come.
The problem is, a lot of people want an alternative, especially given how poor EAFC has been
PES was untouchable back in the day. I've played FIFA on and off over the last few years and it doesn't even come close to how good PES was in its heyday.

The key word is how good PES 'was', it was a joy to play those games back in the day on the PS2. But now if you go back and try them, they do feel very dated.

Quite how a new developer brings the magic back to football games I do not know. I think they would have to sacrifice some realism for arcade. Because realism doesn't always mean fun.
Hopefully it has a ‘FIFA Executive’ mode.

One in which your a pumping a 2 grand a night hooker in a 5* luxury hotel, whilst a brown envelope gets slid under you door. Followed by breakfast the next morning with an Arab prince and a very, very happy African football decision maker. Then you get the added bonus of watching the biggest games in the world, in the best seats, and getting paid to do so.
It is Ultimate Team kids like, not the FIFA name so it will be in the shadow of EA for a long, long time to come.

UT is the king, however the whole Messi & Ligue 1 mess has seen a lot drop off and move to pro clubs. Especially with Girth & Turf getting big names playing.
When you play great titles like MLB The Show you realise just how poor recent football games have been.

I get football is a complicated sport to simulate but it’s incredible how long FIFA/EAFC have gotten away with recycling the same engine, UI, visuals etc.
As others have said, Pro Evo was some game. It was always the fantasy of Master League for me and the editor was so good I could make the boys club I played for kits almost exactly as they were.

I still have some nostalgic memories of FIFA. I also played that to keep up with my friends as most of them played it and didn't have time for the fakeness of Pro Evo. The soundtrack of FIFA 2003 is burned into me.

I got a PS5 last year and bought EAFC24 but a competitor would be great and spark my interest again, even if for a short time.
Whatever football game has the licence to ultimate team will get my vote. The evolutions this year were great.

Todd Cantwell 93 rated smacking goals in at cam was great fun.

Realistic as ever.