May 1969 fire at Ibrox


Well-Known Member
Just reading on another site that while Rangers were away playing at Newcastle in the Fair Cities cup there was an unexplained fire in the directors box with some 250 seats damaged
Just 7 weeks before there was another fire in the same location, both incidents were similar and both thought to have been deliberately started.

Never heard this before, anyone have anymore info? Was Timmy trying to burn down Ibrox?
One of the things I love about this site is the wee snippets of historical information you get from time to time
I had no idea about these fires
There was a spate of fires in 1968.

Glasgow police took special precautions during the night to protect football grounds in the city after the fires on two successive nights this week which caused extensive damage Hampden Park and Ibrox Stadium.

At Glasgow Eastern police division a senior office said "arrangements have been made" for the protection of Celtic's football ground at Parkhead and CID officers again visited Ibrox Stadium to check up on security there.

Two of the Rangers' ground staff mounted a special guard.

Senior detectives of Govan and Southern divisions of Glasgow Police assisted by officers of the police scientific branch and of Glasgow Fire Service continued the search for evidence which might show that the fires had been started deliberately.

Hampden, the more severly damaged, was again visited by Chief Detective Inspector George Browne of Glasgow Southern CID, accompanied by scientific branch officers.

Later he was joined by Chief Detective Harry Watts of Govan CID, who, who is in charge of the investigations into the fire which damaged the centre stand of Ibrox Stadium.

"It is still an open question as to the cause of the fire at Hampden," Mr Browne said "and earlier in the day I went to Ibrox to see the position there after the fire."

"Certainly, reports that the blaze at Hampden were [sic] caused by an electrical fault have not been confirmed."

Workmen cleared tons of debris from the heavily-damaged aread of the centre stand at Hampden yesterday, and at Ibrox, Mr David White, the manager of Rangers, said after he had inspected the fire damage which destroyed 300 seats and the directors box: "The whole area will have to be cordoned off, and it will be out of use for our next two games, at least."

At Parkhead, Mr Sean Fallon, assistant manager of Celtic, said: "We will be taking every possible precaution."

Mr Archie Robertson, manager of Clyde, said a close watch was being maintained by watchmen at Shawfield and precautions were being maintained right around the clock.
The old Edmiston Club had a big fire in it the week or month it opened too did it not?

Had to close and be refurbed and reopen.
The fires at Ibrox and Hampden happened on successive nights I think, or at least in the same week, and led to the postponement of the scum v Hibs League Cup Final. Here's manager Davie White with Willie Thornton and Willie Allison surveying the damage to the stand at Ibrox in October 1968:

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