National League asks FA to close season

"Evatt's side are four points clear at the top..."

"You cannot, you cannot, null and void it," he said. "We've been top for five months and no-one, no disrespect to anyone, has really come that close to us."

I would say that 4 points is quite close, pal.

In addition to the National League, there is also the NL North and NL South to consider. The NL North has York City 2 points clear with 2nd place Kings Lynn Town having 2 games in hand. So, what do you do with them? Just decide that they're not getting their 2 games in hand?
The season will be incomplete no matter what anyone says or does that is a fact and some are finding great difficulty in grasping it . It’s a sore one for the teams in position to be promoted or to win a title but that’s life . The sooner they accept it the better for their mental health .
Depends on how we cope with this virus. If we've used our headstart well then I reckon we will see the season completed.
China are relaxing lockdown restrictions. South Korea are through the worst of it. There's still three months until the June 30th deadline.
The next two to three weeks will decide. If we go the same way as Italy and Spain then I can't see the season being played out on the park.
But will clubs fight it out in court? I'm not sure there's even the stomach for that either.
UEFA need to null and void all leagues asap before this becomes am minefield and stops us from playing the following season.
I feel sympathetic for Ian Evatt. Having known his Dad and Grandad for donkeys years and through this followed his career from playing Kids football, signing for Derby to present day his managerial career at Barrow. There he has managed to turn Barrow into a team playing in the Football League again.

However that is where it stops. If you look at harsh reality they were further in front a few weeks ago. Now its only 4 points. So therefore there is a likelihood that they will drop further points, in 9 yes 9 remaining games, and other teams lying in waiting ready to pounce.
Older bears can possibly remember the Pools Panel when they sat, when a number of games were postponed, and predicted how they thought the games would end up. Home Away or a Draw. These predictions weren't transferred to actual League points the games still had to played and only these counted towards the League Table.
To me the games have to be played unless it is Mathematically impossible for the team to caught, or teams to be relegated and have no possible impact on placings for Play Offs or Cup Qualification.
If the above can't be met then the competition must be declared Null and Void
Mr Liewell was adamant that the league would not run a minute over the due end date on our run to euro final. When does the league end May..... well in May it ends !!
Depends on how we cope with this virus. If we've used our headstart well then I reckon we will see the season completed.
China are relaxing lockdown restrictions. South Korea are through the worst of it. There's still three months until the June 30th deadline.
The next two to three weeks will decide. If we go the same way as Italy and Spain then I can't see the season being played out on the park.
But will clubs fight it out in court? I'm not sure there's even the stomach for that either.
I don't know if you've noticed, the Excell centre is being converted into a 4000 bed hospital and morgue. I'm a reservist and I've been deployed. This is just beginning.
Depends on how we cope with this virus. If we've used our headstart well then I reckon we will see the season completed.
China are relaxing lockdown restrictions. South Korea are through the worst of it. There's still three months until the June 30th deadline.
The next two to three weeks will decide. If we go the same way as Italy and Spain then I can't see the season being played out on the park.
But will clubs fight it out in court? I'm not sure there's even the stomach for that either.

The virus isnt going away. The lockdown will slow the spread and may even stop it but its temporary. When the restrictions are lifted it will take off again. The only reason for the lockdown is to keep the numbers manageable and prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed.

The solution lies in a vaccine or herd immunity.

One school of thought, though no one is brave enough to say it, is just to let the virus take its course. This, of course, would result in thousands of deaths happening rapidly but the virus would no longer be a threat.

Im NOT advocating this so dont shoot the messenger.
I'm getting the feeling more and more that the 19/20 season isn't going to be decided on a football pitch but in a court of law.

If that happens the problem will be this:

All the court will be doing is reviewing the decision taken by the relevant football authority and deciding whether anything unlawful has taken place. If the relevant football authority had the power to make the decision then it’s very unlikely that anything will be overturned in a court of law. For that reason, the courts are not going to make the final decision on this (and they won’t want to anyway).

This is why the initial decision is going to be very important. It will be difficult to overturn unless someone can show that the decision was made unlawfully (eg because there was no power to make a certain decision or rules were applied incorrectly etc).
FIFA and UEFA and all the FA’s really need to come out and just scrub everything indefinitely until the pandemic is over, talking about transfer markets, future plans etc it’s all irrelevant - they should just hit pause and update when it blows over - it’s unprecedented what is happening, nobody knows what is going to happen or what the world is going to look like at the other side of this crisis...
Some National League sides get a bigger attendance than some League 2 sides, its incongruous that they have been allowed to continue.
I feel sympathetic for Ian Evatt. Having known his Dad and Grandad for donkeys years and through this followed his career from playing Kids football, signing for Derby to present day his managerial career at Barrow. There he has managed to turn Barrow into a team playing in the Football League again.

However that is where it stops. If you look at harsh reality they were further in front a few weeks ago. Now its only 4 points. So therefore there is a likelihood that they will drop further points, in 9 yes 9 remaining games, and other teams lying in waiting ready to pounce.
Older bears can possibly remember the Pools Panel when they sat, when a number of games were postponed, and predicted how they thought the games would end up. Home Away or a Draw. These predictions weren't transferred to actual League points the games still had to played and only these counted towards the League Table.
To me the games have to be played unless it is Mathematically impossible for the team to caught, or teams to be relegated and have no possible impact on placings for Play Offs or Cup Qualification.
If the above can't be met then the competition must be declared Null and Void
Very good post.
I have the utmost sympathy for Barrow and their fans as they have waited 48 years to get back into the English League again.
I've always had a soft spot for Barrow as I've worked down there a few times in past years and used to go to Holker Street to watch them if I got the opportunity to do so.
I hope they can find a way to finish that league so Barrow can win the league in a proper fashion but everyone's health obviously comes first at this worrying time.
The virus isnt going away. The lockdown will slow the spread and may even stop it but its temporary. When the restrictions are lifted it will take off again. The only reason for the lockdown is to keep the numbers manageable and prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed.

The solution lies in a vaccine or herd immunity.

One school of thought, though no one is brave enough to say it, is just to let the virus take its course. This, of course, would result in thousands of deaths happening rapidly but the virus would no longer be a threat.

Im NOT advocating this so dont shoot the messenger.
The lockdown simply slows the spread, it will not significantly reduce the numbers affected. So for the virus to run its course will take far longer, which will as you say, allow the medical services to cope.
When there is a slow relaxation of restrictions, the last thing that will be permitted will be people attending sporting events in large numbers.