Police Scotland tell Celtic fans to behave


That's three times that I count, that the Mercat Cross has been broken into.

Once is carelessness, twice is irresponsible, but a third time is a wilful deriliction of care that someone at the council, or Police Scotland, should be asked to explain why there was no presence of authority to prevent it happening again.

As implied by Mark's words opening this post, I fear the worst if we beat that lot next Saturday and what may ensue in George Square, unless our fans wise up and heed the obvious warning that whilst the Beggars have sown, it'll be us reaping the opprobrium from the usual quarters.

Aitken and her pals will love that!
It wasn't broken into. They climbed up the outside.

And yeh, no bet if we win it will be a completely different approach. :mad:
Just read the BBC report of the goings on at the Trongate on Saturday with prominent image of the KAH sticker. I then come on hear to learn of that the person killed at Saracen Street is a Rangers supporter. We don’t know the circumstances of this stabbing so it would be dangerous to jump to conclusions. Either way the powers that be need to wake up to the tensions that they are enflaming by their inaction by allowing this sore in the east end to fester.
Whether this is connected or not, the public shouldn't have to be put in danger because idiots want to fight and destroy public property because their team won.
Gail Sheridan is in her 80s FFS have a word with yourself.

That's three times that I count, that the Mercat Cross has been broken into.

Once is carelessness, twice is irresponsible, but a third time is a wilful deriliction of care that someone at the council, or Police Scotland, should be asked to explain why there was no presence of authority to prevent it happening again.

As implied by Mark's words opening this post, I fear the worst if we beat that lot next Saturday and what may ensue in George Square, unless our fans wise up and heed the obvious warning that whilst the Beggars have sown, it'll be us reaping the opprobrium from the usual quarters.

Aitken and her pals will love that!
I've not heard of any fans even thinking about George square ....
Nothing on BBC Shortbreads Reporting Scotland , you'd think 19 arrests with police saying more to follow, 4 police officers injured and thousands of pounds worth of damage, plus businesses losing money by having to close early on police advice, would surely warrant headline news up there ?? more probably selective reporting again.
Have celtic commented yet?

I've read that they've been contacted for comment on several stories written since Saturday but haven't seen if they've actually made any comment. Do they only ever comment on the safety of their supporters when it's not green on green violence?
Most wouldn't..ffs
even tommy does'nt ffs. did you see the state of that fat journalist they were all hanging out of in the manchester swingers club? she was more palatable to the bold tommy than gail. plus, she'd cost you an arm and a cock in minatures.
Unfortunately I'm blocked by Sturgeon, Thewliss, Dornan and Yousless ( who just refuses to answer)
GCC also refuse to reply to emails I sent regarding their reluctance to fly our Union flag but have no such reluctance about proposing the flying of the Palestinian flag. . I am not on any of the media sites as in my experience it's full of arseholes I will be sending an email regarding this latest gathering of the unwashed to Swinney but don't expect a speedy reply if one at all.
If you're on X, this is the account for both Russell Findlay and Alison Thewlis

@alisonthewliss Merchant city is her constituency

I see Paul Sweeney has come out and claimed that celebrations should be organised to avoid disruption.

This whole situation has been caused because of a hatred of Rangers. Had something been organised like Rangers had requested then we wouldn't have had this mayhem the past couple of years.
He and his fellow scum fans should have did that though and paid for it all themselves rather than expecting council tax payers to pay for that rabble to pollute the Merchant city atmosphere.
It wasn't broken into. They climbed up the outside.

And yeh, no bet if we win it will be a completely different approach. :mad:
They were told not to go on to it, its private property and a Historic Scotland building so ,for me, they did break into it as they entered a building they had not been invited into and for me, they should be paying for the damage they have caused to it. I went by it today and it looks like GCC workers had been down to take off graffiti that they must have put on the walls.
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Just read the BBC report of the goings on at the Trongate on Saturday with prominent image of the KAH sticker. I then come on hear to learn of that the person killed at Saracen Street is a Rangers supporter. We don’t know the circumstances of this stabbing so it would be dangerous to jump to conclusions. Either way the powers that be need to wake up to the tensions that they are enflaming by their inaction by allowing this sore in the east end to fester.
The BBC didn't even mention the disgusting, murder call it stands for. Vile, complicit scum
He and his fellow scum fans should have did that though and paid for it all themselves rather than expecting council tax payers to pay for that rabble to pollute the Merchant city atmosphere.
It’s astounding that this bigot politician , can get interviewed by a professional journalist , then be allowed to reference Rangers , over a weekend of despicable vandalism , bigotry, violence, and general terrorism for the residents of the Merchant City.

The “snp news at six “, always tread lightly on these occasions, convoluting critical objective journalistic approaches , why were residents not consulted for comment? What has the behaviour of these republican degenerates , got to do with Rangers supporters?
tragic for the guy and family involved but if the tables had been turned this would be getting laid at the door of Rangers fans, much like the stabbing of the bheast in the merchant city was before it went quiet as it was bheast on bheast.

And Blantyre.
And Castlemilk.
And Easterhouse.

All celtic fans murdered by celtic fans but with reporting which would make you think the total opposite.
Shameful and sickening for the families concerned and the reputation of certain so called journalists!!
It’s astounding that this bigot politician , can get interviewed by a professional journalist , then be allowed to reference Rangers , over a weekend of despicable vandalism , bigotry, violence, and general terrorism for the residents of the Merchant City.

The “snp news at six “, always tread lightly on these occasions, convoluting critical objective journalistic approaches , why were residents not consulted for comment? What has the behaviour of these republican degenerates , got to do with Rangers supporters?
Well balanced reporting once again :rolleyes:
What park is it the Green I’m betting,why don’t we have one also and see where that leads too .
I'm sure the polis would be happy to allow us to have one in Queens Park :rolleyes:

These bastards have made this an issue. We celebrated our first title win after being at the lowest point anyone could imagine. The creatures never once thought about doing but had to be seen to do the same. As much as I take on people's points of just celebrating with your mates, a big part of me thinks no let's go even bigger next time!
For the second week running I’m having to drive in amongst them and this time it’s even worse.

I’ll transporting them to and from Hampden on the 75.
I’m currently sitting here with my match ticket in my pocket awaiting my daughter picking it up.

Fucking depressing.

Only a victory and taking them back into the city will put a smile back on my face.

Looking forward to this part though.
I'd phone in sick M8. If your not ill on Saturday you will be a few days later after catching something off of them. Good chance of catching scabies.
If not, put your seatbelt on and go heavy on the brakes. A lot of stray dogs and cats on that route that run in front of buses on a reqular basis..
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I'm sure the polis would be happy to allow us to have one in Queens Park :rolleyes:

These bastards have made this an issue. We celebrated our first title win after being at the lowest point anyone could imagine. The creatures never once thought about doing but had to be seen to do the same. As much as I take on people's points of just celebrating with your mates, a big part of me thinks no let's go even bigger next time!
I was thinking that over the weekend it never dawned on these cretins to celebrate away from their Piggery .
If you're on X, this is the account for both Russell Findlay and Alison Thewlis

@alisonthewliss Merchant city is her constituency

Thanks, but as I said I'm not on any of the sites as imo they're full of arseholes Alison Thewliss blocked me because of the last time they were in Trongate . I may have gone a bit over the top .I'm in Govanhill , she's my MP Glasgow Central along with wee Krankie.Glasgow South MSP. It doesn't stop me trying though .
For the second week running I’m having to drive in amongst them and this time it’s even worse.

I’ll transporting them to and from Hampden on the 75.
I’m currently sitting here with my match ticket in my pocket awaiting my daughter picking it up.

Fucking depressing.

Only a victory and taking them back into the city will put a smile back on my face.

Looking forward to this part though.
%^*& that's a sore one
No snazis been put to condemn the scum for not doing more to dissuade their fans from causing mayhem? Humza? Dornan? There's a phuckin surprise.
The club need to get a proper PR depth and start going after the two tiered political and police system in this country. Is it that useless cnut Mark Sutherland that's still in charge of policing in Glasgow? Would like to hear why scum fans faces haven't been plastered all over the papers and vowing to hunt them down. Police Scotland not fit for purpose.
Why have the Police and authorities allowed Celtic fans to break into the historic Mercat building for the third year running and vandalise it?

Why do they keep a distance yet they were everywhere when Rangers fans took over the city?

Is my grasp of English getting worse? Why describe it as impromptu?

This will have been planned for weeks, or at least since the last OF game.
Now they are going to march from Glasgow green to Hampden on Saturday imagine the uproar if the orange order just held a parade with council and police approval
Police Scotland should issue a section 12 notice to stop them and especially so after their thuggery on Saturday.
The tone of this Daily Record ‘live coverage’ of the ‘title party’ is absolutely appalling
The jolly craic at fever pitch in ‘taps aff’ weather
Damaging historic monuments is just a bit of exuberance, and two pictures of ‘fans celebrating’ on top of bus stops is captioned ‘oh well, whatever works’

Inside the Celtic Merchant City title party in pictures as fans climb bus stops