Silva's Celebration

Oh, they can, and do. They shouldn't though. Some of our supporters are spoiled wee perma-offended cretins.
I guarantee there will be a good percentage of people moaning on this thread who watched the game on the telly like they have done for most, if not all of this season. The match going fans tend to be a bit more reasonable in my opinion
Some leap is that. Young kid probably feels quite down about getting regular abuse - especially when it’ll be every single time he opens his phone. And you’ve got him as having some sort of Emperor Complex.
Is this about online abuse then? Genuine question, I don’t have any of that shit in my life, other than FF so I wouldn't know.

I haven’t seen him get any serious abuse from the match going fans, that’s the main reason I thought his reaction was wank today!

That was a good finish today and it was probably his best game for us. But let’s face it, he’s been dug shit for the most part and he wouldn’t be near the team if Sima was fit. That was all a bit ‘big time’ today from him. He’s a clown!

If he drags the team to victory next week then he can do what ever the %^*& he likes,

I don’t think that will happen though :)) :) Chances are, he’s another young loan player from an EPL team who thinks we are lucky to have him and it would be a piece of piss in this league.
Truth is, it’s highly likely he will disappear at the end of the season, quickly forgotten by us and it will hit him years from now, how massive this club is and how lucky he was to play for the Rangers.
Clearly his ego is bigger than his talent

He has been a dreadful signing and that stunt isn't justified after what was only his 3rd goal for us.

I'd drop him for the rest of the season. Antagonizing your fans like that just isn't acceptable. I would have hoped Clement thinks likewise
Despite a better performance today I can’t wait to see the back of him, can’t stand him.
Yes he did but I see you didn't question that! So why question this? You sound so angry at Silva what is it you want to happen to him for doing something that you might not even be right about other than in your own mind with your own interpretation?
Morelos never pointed to the Rangers fans haha
He probably reads FF and saw us all celebrating the announcement his loan wouldn’t be extended (As if anyone thought it ever would be) nor would we be spending 30 million on him.
I’m not a fan of him as a player, but when l all is said and done he’s a young lad who has come to a foreign country on a short term arrangement that hasn’t worked out.

He’s been ridiculously made into a vilain by the Scottish media and probably feels he hasn’t had the full backing from his own support.

It’s not hard to see why the lad is feeling a bit frustrated and wanted to express some of that today. Regardless of anything we’ve got 4 absolutely massive games left and need to get behind the players we have right now.
Let’s be honest the guy came with a high price tag and hasn’t looked a level above glorified junior footballers. He has been rotten for weeks and deserves to get some stick. He also has the right to give a bit back but it makes him look like a banger
What does it say about our support ?

I’m surprised anyone could take to Silva at all.

Some of his antics are embarrassing.

He’s mercifully off soon and we don’t need to pretend otherwise
That they dislike a young guy that’s been here 4 month and rather abuse him than support him heard same shite about Tillman etc maybe they should take note and practice what there wanting players to do and that’s get to %^*&
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No harm to the lad, hope he lands on his feet with his next move etc. He's got talent, but needs to kick up a gear in terms of delivery, and dial down the histrionics. He'll be a better player if he works that out.
I’m not a fan of him as a player, but when l all is said and done he’s a young lad who has come to a foreign country on a short term arrangement that hasn’t worked out.

He’s been ridiculously made into a vilain by the Scottish media and probably feels he hasn’t had the full backing from his own support.

It’s not hard to see why the lad is feeling a bit frustrated and wanted to express some of that today. Regardless of anything we’ve got 4 absolutely massive games left and need to get behind the players we have right now.
I liked it,he's had some shyte thrown at him.from our own,supposedly.
I don’t think Fabio Silva is a bad player but I also don’t think he’s worth £35m, Wolves have been done imo
Honestly get him to %^*&.

Turn up here in January, be shit, and then turn up with that celebration.

Didn’t see it at the game but just saw on Sky and I’m fuming at it. He’s bang average and even that’s doing him favours.

One moment he just fouled a Kilmarnock player and barged through the back on him down at the Union bears and then protested to the ref like life’s not fair. Coward.
Didn’t see it at the game but just saw on Sky and I’m fuming at it. He’s bang average and even that’s doing him favours.

One moment he just fouled a Kilmarnock player and barged through the back on him down at the Union bears and then protested to the ref like life’s not fair. Coward.
Whats your opinion of his goal?
Dont surmise,you have no idea how much we are paying him.
Typical response - if in doubt remind us they get paid a lot... Like it makes a difference.

The guy has come to our club and due to a combination of injuries and form has found himself playing as a winger, despite being a striker.

So what do we do? Get behind him and roar him and the team on? Nah, call him a diving wee fanny and tell him to get to f*ck, then get upset when he gives a bit back.
There's been a lot said this week about his loan not being extended.

What if all he was doing was saying it's all talk?

Of course the experts on here have already decided to have a big group cry despite no one knowing what he was getting at either way.

Like I said above, these same "supporters" moan about mentality and about players being able to take stick yet cry over nothing.

Talk about making a big deal out of nothing.
Is this about online abuse then? Genuine question, I don’t have any of that shit in my life, other than FF so I wouldn't know.

I haven’t seen him get any serious abuse from the match going fans, that’s the main reason I thought his reaction was wank today!

That was a good finish today and it was probably his best game for us. But let’s face it, he’s been dug shit for the most part and he wouldn’t be near the team if Sima was fit. That was all a bit ‘big time’ today from him. He’s a clown!

If he drags the team to victory next week then he can do what ever the %^*& he likes,

I don’t think that will happen though :)) :) Chances are, he’s another young loan player from an EPL team who thinks we are lucky to have him and it would be a piece of piss in this league.
Truth is, it’s highly likely he will disappear at the end of the season, quickly forgotten by us and it will hit him years from now, how massive this club is and how lucky he was to play for the Rangers.
Like any other teenager, he will probably be on social media half of his life. Have seen dozens and dozens of comments from our own fans telling him how shit he is. Besides it clearly not ever going to help bring out the best him in, to them get upset when he bites back is proper mental.
Some amount of people saying that many are offended. I doubt anyone is actually offended. Maybe slightly peeved but not offended. Doesn't matter how many people say it, its not true.
With Lammers, Dessers and Silva making it quite obvious that they are aware of abuse from the supporters, isn't there are case for at least some reflection among the fan base?

How tough is it actually to come to Ibrox and settle in when a certain percentage of the support doesn't want to give you a chance and just wants to hurl abuse?

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