Sule - Dortmund. Looking heavy

The Mark Yardley diet
It just shows you that to be a top professional footballer you have to train and eat right, religiously so.

Yet saying that, the best players ever were a little soft-fleshed. (Gazza, Maradona, Rooney)
Ive been posting about the amateur cup final last night on that thread but i did feel sorry for the garrowhill sub who came on towards the end, no spring chicken and carrying a little timber. Guys maybe fulfilling a dream to play at hampden and gets greeted with 60 odd teenage cupar ultras giving it you fat bastard. Felt for the boy. He immediately beat his man tbf to him.
Read some quotes from a former manager of his. Seems he likes pizzas and kebabs too much and has no self-control. Clearly he's almost keeping it together fitness wise but he's 28/29 now and from here on in it just gets harder to keep the weight off so expect it to get worse. Might walk away a CL winner before then though, so fair play to him.
It just shows you that to be a top professional footballer you have to train and eat right, religiously so.

Yet saying that, the best players ever were a little soft-fleshed. (Gazza, Maradona, Rooney)
Stood with Gazza at a photo shoot. He had a slight double chin and a big barrel-chest but there really wasn’t a pick on him. Top athlete.
One of the players that goes up and down the weight but is still good. Fair play.

It’s a condition probs, when he retires he will balloon.

Or he’s just a greedy bassa. Unsure.
Saw one of the Dortmund games not that long ago and thought my eyes were playing tricks.
That's mental, must go straight to Five Guys after the games...the training...breakfast...lunch and after dinner.
They can’t be real.

Sule’s always been, let’s say, big boned but no way he’s currently that size.

Played half an hour against PSG a couple of weeks ago and wasn’t that shape.
I'm sure he clocked the highest sprint in the league when he was at FC Bayern, despite being built like the side of an IKEA.
One of the players that goes up and down the weight but is still good. Fair play.

It’s a condition probs, when he retires he will balloon.

Or he’s just a greedy bassa. Unsure.
A condition :))

Reminds me of the Billy Connolly skit about fat people. Aye, you're arse bone is a hell of a size.
Well he didnt half shift his fat arse here. Although he has went up a fair few pounds since, he is carrying it already from December.

How on earth can a so called professional who does intensive training at least five days a week be in that shape?
I thought I had put a bit of weight on but I look better than him and I’m a greedy bastard in my early 50’s and have a f.ucked back.
He should be fined.