This Saturday - honest feelings

Literally exasperates me the way some of our fans think we have to "stop" McGregor.

He didn't need stopped when Gerrard was here. In fact, he looked like a flat track bully who'd been exposed. Just like he does in Europe.

Nothing highlights our regression over the last 3 years more than McGregor going from a pathetic, beaten figure when we won the league to a charged up Scrappy Doo gleefully accepting mishit passes from our players before laughing in their faces.

McGregor's contribution to OF games when Gerrard was here was to be wheeled out post match repeatedly to apologise to their fans after we slapped them about for the umpteenth time because his captain was too much of a shitebag to do it.
For me the only chance we have is to not play a number ten

We need to play a flat three in midfield and control the centre of the pitch

I’d play Cantwell from the left and replace him after an hour with sima

Depending who is fit at centre back hopefully we can field this side



For those posting lineups, there's zero chance James Tavernier is going to be dropped or pushed up into midfield on Saturday. They are pointless suggestions.

If Sterling starts, it'll either be on the right or at left-back if Yilmaz isn't fit. There's no chance Clement is going to completely change the team for a Cup Final.

Also, don't be shocked if Lundstram starts. Clement came out initially about how aggressive we were going to be and how we'd go forward, rather than the old umbrella. We've seen less umbrella and more long balls. That seems pretty conservative and doesn't suggest a guy who is going to try new things on Saturday.
I think it’s unlikely Tav will change position, which I haven’t suggested even though I understand why others are mentioning it.

However if PC reverts to type and does what you claim he will then he risks losing 50% of his support, I think it’s that serious.

Should we have to endure those scumbags celebrating / lording it over us again and he plays the same stupid system and let downs then i believe its naive to think he won’t be on a shaky peg.

If he tries something different, which after losing two and drawing another, surely only a fool would approach it the same way again and I don’t believe he is a fool, I have a feeling he will surprise us and them on Saturday.

His interview a few weeks back gave me vibes that he was pinning all his hopes on a cup double and even he didn’t believe the league could be won prior to going to CP.

His remit was:
Win the league cup - done
Get us through the Europa group stage - done
Make us competitive in the league - done albeit a late collapse ended up with worse points difference than when he took over
Win the Scottish cup - this is what he is targeting

I’m positive he is, probably would never admit that but if your in his shoes and take the blue specs off, if you approach it how your employer would set your goals and objectives then in his mind, should he win the cup on Saturday he’s over achieved.

Next season remit will be to win the league at all costs and I’m sure he thinks with the right changes in summer he will achieve this.

I hope the above is true, I hope he makes us all proud and believe in our team again come tea time on Saturday and I hope he manages to get the right level of players needed to win the league and it just mount a challenge to the latter stages.
In terms of build up and our expectations, I’m genuinely amazed how low key and low they are.
When we played them in the 3-3 at Ibrox on April 7th I thought we were going to win that pre-kick off.
That seems like a lot longer than a month now.
It feels like we’ve dropped off very quickly.
Butland, Tav, Yilmaz, Balogun and Davies have a shift ahead of them on Saturday.
But it’s the midfield where we’ll win or lose this game.
If we go into that with Lundstram and Diomande I fear for us.
They’ll just get overrun.
I’d love to see us fight fire with fire and have Sterling in there too but Clement doesn’t seem to change formation.
Silva, Cantwell and Dessers would be my front 3, I suspect Sterling will be pushed up forward.
Sima is never fit enough to start but we can get 30 minutes out of him I hope.
A friend over here sent me a message this morning to inform me that the game is live on Italian TV.

Hopefully we show up and give them a game because it would be horrible if the Italians watching the game see us getting a doing.
I think realistically Clement will just be trying to keep the game tight. He'd probably settle for a narrow defeat. Depressing thought but he'll be looking to next year and no doubt being able to never play some of this lot again.
Sorry but I just fail to believe that the manager has this attitude. Keep it tight by all means but he'll want to win the final.
It's possibly a free hit for the gaffer to have a gamble. If he goes with a brave team and loses I think most will forgive him and put it down to the players. If he goes with the same team and loses then he will cop most of the blame.





You at least have the chance of surprising them with something different and then wright and mcausland off the bench is some pace and energy

That's about the best we can hope for.
I think a formation like that is worth trying. Not sure we’ve got 3 fit CB’s though.
Can see it going the same as the last few.

Give away an early goal through a defensive blunder followed by a rapid second sucker punch. Quick rally to get 1 back before a red card effectively ends it as a contest.

Awful thing to say, but I'm honestly not sure if I'll even bother watching it such is my sense of total and utter dejection with the team.
Really interested to see if Clement has learned from his mistakes.

Injuries or not - he needs to fix his shape versus the mentally challengeds and then experiment on legs in the middle of the park. Sacrifice other areas and get Sterling in the middle or we get battered.
If the manager changes nothing then I'm fully expecting a defeat and my existing fears about the tactical ability of the manager would increase, even with the crock of shite he has to work with.
Honest feeling? A wee bit of luck and we’ll beat the bastards. Dessers disallowed goal and Lundstram’s stupid mistimed tackle killed us in the last two games. I remain optimistic.
I fking hate being this negative, but I already feel doomed and even though I expect a loss, it won't affect how angry and depressed I'll feel after it, so I'm dreading that too. The ability is there with this group of players (theirs is only marginally better imo) but the belief isn't.
Really interested to see if Clement has learned from his mistakes.

Injuries or not - he needs to fix his shape versus the mentally challengeds and then experiment on legs in the middle of the park. Sacrifice other areas and get Sterling in the middle or we get battered.
Unfortunately I just don't see Clement changing things.

Which will be utter madness.
Deserves criticism then.

Not sure he’s had an obvious and successful game plan against them yet.
Absolutely, he will deserve criticism.

If, as many of us suspect, he still hasn't learned and we end up with the same nonsense and another defeat then the red flags will be all over the place for me.

He seems blinkered to any change for the better, in what are clear and obvious flaws. So frustrating.
Barely given the game any thought in all honesty. This side have driven me to apathy. Fully expect us to get a doing and past caring about this side or whether Clement survives.
These are the big games where Clement earns his keep.
He has to come up with something tactically different to change the outcome as we are ravaged with injury.
Hopefully he floods the midfield.
It will show why we shouldn’t sign Diomonde.

Yet here we are ready to spunk the best part of 5m on someone who looks like a rabbit in the headlights in any big game we have played this season.
Lundstram deserves to be absolutely nowhere near this and I'll be furious to see him jogging about hop skipping and jumping occasionally pretending to put in the graft. Should never wear our shirt again.

Stop fucking around, play the players like Sterling in the middle, that care and want to be here not the charlatans who've fucked us countless times.
Couldn't agree more.
Embarrassing watching him huffing and puffing around trying to get near O'Riley and Forrest, totally out of his depth to the extent that frustration took over and we know what happened next.
They'll be delighted if Lundstram plays.
Clements got to get the midfield right and sick of saying get in to them from start and don’t let them breathe I’m hoping he doesn’t start Lundstram and Tav but don’t think that will happen so everyone switched on and we can get a result
I'm absolutely drained at the moment with Rangers, hate feeling this way but I can't even get myself up for going to a Scottish cup final against our biggest rivals. I have absolutely zero faith in the manager or the players to deliver us an end of season pick me up.

I think if I tuen up to the stadium on Saturday and Lundstram is on the pitch I will walk back out
I hope I’m wrong but not got good feeling for Saturday. I just want performance that we the fans can be proud of. These players have one last chance to prove us wrong. Regards of the result we are the people always will be. Right it into these dogs from the start.
Their players will be well up for making it a double and signing off the season with another trophy. As sad as it sounds, I genuinely think alot of our players couldn’t be arsed either way and are just waiting for the season to end so they can move on. Hope I’m wrong but that’s just the general body language of some of the players for the last month or so.
They've got a fully fit squad, ours is depleted with injuries. A massive challenge.

Get up against them and don't stand off like we usually do with their midfield and wingers.
I'm normally optimistic, buzzing, have blind faith.

However, I've no logical reason, bases on performances, to see how we'll win.

I know 'that lot' are no great shakes, but our team have shown nothing that will give me hope.

I hope I'm proved wrong.
We need to get an extra man into midfield we're losing the battle there every time.

The two man midfield is getting overran against other teams as well teams are just running through the middle against us as seen at the weekend again.

4231 isn't working Clemente has to change it to suit the players we've got left and then play how he wants once he's had the Summer transfer window.
A few saying this, put Tav further up the park.

Tav must be the first player in footballing history who gets moved up the park as his legs go, usually players move down the park.

I think Sterling will be next to Tav, but at CH. Shame, as his energy and aggression would have been handy somewhere through the middle.
Tav further forward and Sterling right back, double up on Meada. Tav cannot deal with him on his own, doesn't have the pace
I honestly feel that our squad is exhausted; and IF we were to get the win it would be incredible.

We have guys in the twilight of their careers that have played more closely b games than virtually any other player in Europe.

We also have some fans who will be fingers at the ready in anticipation of a Rangers defeat (not saying they wouldn't prefer a victory ~ but why let a good tragedy go to waste), who will blame the managers and the players selected whilst not acknowledging that Rangers have had:

40 to 70 % of outfield missing for months now.

Players going without rest.

Players having to forego gentle reintroductions to the nto first team due to lack of numbers.

Whilst playing at least 9 games manager re than any of the rest of our domestic competitors.

I could go on.
Given we have a team full of poor to average players with no heart, and a manager with no style of play and a clear inability to set up a team defensively, I’d say it’s not looking great.

This is the worst scum team in years and to take 1 measly point from 12 from them is an utter embarrassment.
I'm absolutely drained at the moment with Rangers, hate feeling this way but I can't even get myself up for going to a Scottish cup final against our biggest rivals. I have absolutely zero faith in the manager or the players to deliver us an end of season pick me up.

I think if I tuen up to the stadium on Saturday and Lundstram is on the pitch I will walk back out
Hope you do and we win-the mentality of a section of our support is corrosive and self-defeating.
Hope you do and we win-the mentality of a section of our support is corrosive and self-defeating.
If by "mentality" you mean realism born out of years of disappointment and failure then it's surely understandable?
Blind optimism isn't an option for many of us.
As for the poster's point about Lundstram, he's absolutely spot on.
The last game against them he was embarrassing. Not only the 2 brain farts but his total inability to get close to a single one of their midfield.
Forrest laughed at him.
I'm not confident at all about Saturday but hope springs eternal. If JL starts, I won't even have that.
We have done nothing against them this season to suggest we will win on Saturday. It would need to be a near perfect performance for us to win. As ever it`s fingers crossed we can somehow turn up from the first whistle and finish the season with another trophy.