Will we win the cup?

Do these players have it in them to beat celtic this season and win the Scottish Cup?

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I voted no, not because I'm pessimistic, I just don't think we have the players or the right formation to beat the scum. 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 I might change my mind but I think big Phil will stick to his 4-2-3-1 or whatever it is.
Small sample size but at my daughters swimming class today there was the usual gaggle of Tim bastard dads who congregate to talk all things rattler, and none of them are confident.

Still think we'll get pumped though. Absolutely nothing I've seen lately suggests otherwise.
I think even tims will be thinking the law of averages must come into effect at some point!
Or maybe just have some hope that we can pull it off. Why bother going to a game or watching it when you believe we are beaten before kick off?

Yes the team are poor and lack motivation but just maybe they will apply themselves in this cup final.
You dont realise how silly your post is, lets break it down… ‘a team lacking motivation’ how the hell can you excuse that? For a final? For an old firm final?
‘Just maybe they will apply themselves’ wow imagine wondering or hoping IF they will apply themselves. surely that should he a non negotiable. No wonder this team have lasted so long failing with attitudes like that being accepted. Anyway enjoy your day
70% voting No, and I'm one of them.

The kind of poll result you'd expect when we were climbing up the leagues or just back in SPL.

That's a very damning inditement on this team on where we're at.

This club is going backwards.
The Famous will emerge victorious with a 2 nil win. You won't hear the final whistle blow. For The Sash My Father Wore.

We all would love that, but we know the reality is more in line with one of our usual offenders doing something completely stupid and unnecessary, and they'll be 1 nil up within 10 minutes and then the entire team will completely switch off and they'll go 2-0 up, and then we might try and come back into it but by that point the damage is already done, we've all seen it numerous times.
You never know with cup finals. If we go at them we have a huge chance at it but if we allow them to come at us then unfortunately it will be a long afternoon.
I’d agree with you mate if you were taking the team and putting those tactics out there. Unfortunately we have Phil who doesn’t believe in plan B.
I won’t be watching.
You dont realise how silly your post is, lets break it down… ‘a team lacking motivation’ how the hell can you excuse that? For a final? For an old firm final?
‘Just maybe they will apply themselves’ wow imagine wondering or hoping IF they will apply themselves. surely that should he a non negotiable. No wonder this team have lasted so long failing with attitudes like that being accepted. Anyway enjoy your day
I think your post is silly too if you analyse my post more. I will never write off our team before a ball is kicked.
It’s a one off cup final and some players maybe up for it on this occasion but you have written them off before kick off. How the feck are we meant to win a cup with supporters with your mentality.

I think my post has flew over your head. (Hopefully)

Enjoy your evening
One game shoot out to win the league and it was abysmal
What makes anyone think a one game shoot out for a cup is going to be anything different
A cup final is a crap shoot. Anything can happen

Even Inverness Caley Thistle went into last year's cup final hoping for a miracle - that's cup football. So writing us off is insane. It's one match 11 vs 11. No idea why you could be overly pessimistic on that basis
I think your post is silly too if you analyse my post more. I will never write off our team before a ball is kicked.
It’s a one off cup final and some players maybe up for it on this occasion but you have written them off before kick off. How the feck are we meant to win a cup with supporters with your mentality.

I think my post has flew over your head. (Hopefully)

Enjoy your evening
You questioned my lack of belief in my team by yourself using words that questioned wether the team would be motivated or maybe turn up. If you think thats a win then carry on. Also if you think just thinking your team is going to win every game just thru blind faith and not from the evidence infront of your eyes these past few months or even years then also carryon. The only thing we as a fanbase can possibly cling onto is that by the law of averages we are due 1. Because surely you couldnt argue the teams perfomances these past few months or past few old firms shows any evidence of a victory??
Nil Nil after 120 minutes. Then super jack Butland becomes a hero, and that big Diddy Hart becomes a zero.
I bumped into the Gaffer tonight just outside Kelvingrove Park

Gentleman that he is was happy to take a picture and when i wished him good luck for next Saturday he told me “ we will do everything to bring the cup back to Ibrox”
You questioned my lack of belief in my team by yourself using words that questioned wether the team would be motivated or maybe turn up. If you think thats a win then carry on. Also if you think just thinking your team is going to win every game just thru blind faith and not from the evidence infront of your eyes these past few months or even years then also carryon. The only thing we as a fanbase can possibly cling onto is that by the law of averages we are due 1. Because surely you couldnt argue the teams perfomances these past few months or past few old firms shows any evidence of a victory??
To 55 A
Goodnight mate. I still hope and have faith we will win the SC.You have bent over but that’s your prerogative.
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I have lost count of the number of seasons that the Lego eater and now bug eyed turncoat have lorded it over us. All of te Bears I talk to can see it before the games kick off and yet after all these managers none seems to see if you let these two dicks dictate, we know the outcome.
I want all our players to have sat and watched that video of Carter Vickers and Hart mocking our team in the pub the other night with their full team laughing away in background.

That’s the classless bastards who hate you.
Show them disrespect back. Beat them
I voted No because I don’t think our players have the football ability to achieve it imho. I hope I’m wrong.
Would love to say yes but can't see it.

Going along with my 12 year old son and this team have even sucked the hope out of him. He's basically the same as most of us going along fearing the worst but a case of see what happens.
Honest answer, no.
Injuries are killing us whilst crime scene fc are pretty much at full strength.
Some in our team are also playing like they’ve already checked out whilst others play like they’re shit scared.
We need them to have the kind of game our players usually have in these matches and us to be on it if we want to lift the cup.
For me I am watching the manager closely, 3 OF games and wrong team (IMHO) every time ….. for me we need 3 strong midfielders (Dio, Sterling and Raskin) to counteract the Tims midfield and actually compete … Cantwell just ahead …… with 2 roaming forwards …..but if we play the same formation again we will lose and I will lose complete faith in the manager …..
I bumped into the Gaffer tonight just outside Kelvingrove Park

Gentleman that he is was happy to take a picture and when i wished him good luck for next Saturday he told me “ we will do everything to bring the cup back to Ibrox”

I bumped into the Gaffer tonight just outside Kelvingrove Park

Gentleman that he is was happy to take a picture and when i wished him good luck for next Saturday he told me “ we will do everything to bring the cup back to Ibrox”
The thing with Clement was the response he got from a bunch of useless deadwood who upped their game for him followed by that same deadwood letting him down badly at the sharp end of the season.

He's found out in a short space of time on how players can just disrespect you and down tools.

This is down to the manager in my view.
We have a squad of players who are ( injured ) I have now come to the conclusion that they are not injured but just happy picking up a wage, the don’t care for us or our club so no
Last time we played them in a Scottish Cup final we had a man in midfield who wasn't letting us lose.

Looking through the team I don't see us having that player amongst them unfortunately.

But, of course we can still win.
Sadly, the support will turn up with more fight in their belly than the players.
It’s a cup final, this team have taken bigger scalps than a poor bheast team so they do have it in them, they just need to believe they can win.

If you have a ticket but don’t think we will win just pass it on to someone else.
On that basis there will be loads of spares for Saturday
To 55 A
Goodnight mate. I still hope and have faith we will win the SC.You have bent over but that’s your prerogative.
We’l agree to disagree mate i truly hope your right and the team prove me and 99% of the fans wrong. 1 final point on the other post you quoted above mine, this isnt a dig at clement but cmon hes hardly going to come out and say we ARENT going to do everything to win the cup is he??
Can’t see it tbh.
With a full squad I would have said yes but too many missing players or players not fully fit.
Fans can be as Staunch as we want in our views over this, but we don't play the match and the players who do have shown little evidence to suggest they're going to win this final.

Hope I'm wrong, but its the hope that kills you.
Any faith I had left in this team disappeared in Dingwall.
They’ve chucked it and I doubt the dark side will need to get out 2nd gear to lift the cup.
I will of course be happy to be proved wrong.
I voted yes. Just cause.

In reality we’d need to see what bodies we get back.

If we have some kind of functioning centre backs we might have half a chance - all the games have been close this season.

But if it’s Davies and King playing then I’m downing a bottle of something strong at 2pm because that will get ugly