3 Arrests from Sundays march to Ibrox

If this is reported correctly then suely these statements by a senior police officer must prejudice the accused position?
Police Scotland are directly accountable to the Scottish Government… currently a SNP government that is quite clearly waging war against Unionism and trying to create volatility ahead of seeking to force a referendum on Independence.

This is the police doing what they are told… the law is the least of their concerns.
An absolute fvcking disgrace

In any other country outside Britain this would lead to riots.

Imagine the French polis pulling a stunt like this on Marseille ultras...
If they've been filmed singing a song we all know is not allowed or worse going by the charge for racially aggravated offences to a member of the public then I don't see how its a disgrace. The lack of equality in applying these laws certainly is, but if they've done what they've been alleged to have done then they don't have a leg to stand on. Not sure what Marseilles Ultras have to do with it?

Three men charged following racially aggravated offences in Glasgow Chief Superintendent Mark Sutherland, Divisional Commander for Greater Glasgow Police Division, said: “We have made the first of what I expect to be numerous arrests following the disgraceful racial conduct shown by a minority of Rangers supporters who were making their way to Ibrox stadium on Sunday, 29 August. "Three men, aged 24, 21 and 19 years old, were arrested and charged last night, Wednesday, 1 September, in connection with racially aggravated offences towards a member of the public and for the singing of racist material. “This racist conduct will not be tolerated and our investigations are continuing. We will continue to work with Rangers FC to identify and take appropriate action against those responsible.”

Shouldn't the word alleged feature in there? I was always led to believe the polis arrested people and left the courts to decide if they were innocent or guilty, or does that no longer apply in snp Scotland?
If they've been filmed singing a song we all know is not allowed or worse going by the charge for racially aggravated offences to a member of the public then I don't see how its a disgrace. The lack of equality in applying these laws certainly is, but if they've done what they've been alleged to have done then they don't have a leg to stand on. Not sure what Marseilles Ultras have to do with it?

Come on man...
If, and I say IF, we were as well organised as their thugs we would be having a crowd-funding to ensure that they had the best legal advice.
The "famine" song is not racist but they are trying to make it so.
With the Billy Boys the first stage was to set a narrative. "20th century political party" was never been about religion until certain chattering classes advertised it as so. One fool pleads guilty and then the narrative for future charges is set.
The famine song might be aimed at RC Irish but during the Irish famine the main migrants to Scotland were from the western areas of Fermanagh and Sligo, and importantly approximately 50% were C of I.
The other sufferers, and subsequent migrants, from the famine were highlanders & islanders so to tell them to go home is quite mild.
The allegation that the famine song is aimed at one nationality and one sect of Christianity betrays mind-blowing levels of gaslighting bigotry in itself
There is an element of the support who simply will not take a telling in terms of their choice of songs or their behaviour. They continually give the likes of Dornan and Yousaf open goals that they take with utter glee.

At some point we are going to pay one hell of a punishment on the back of this if we don't wise up. As said above, if this sort of shit doesn't get nipped in the bud now we could be looking at potential stadium closures in the long run.

13 years on and folk are still singing the Famine Song knowing full well the reaction it's going to get. It's indefensible.
Based on what?
You can’t really not know where the lad is coming from.
However, I’ll play.
There will be a time in the not too distant future when we’ll sing a song that the other side take offence.
This’ll lead to stand closures, and ultimately, ground closures.
Maybe a points deduction will get thrown in as well.
There might not be a legal mechanism to enable this at the minute but I don’t think this is too far away.
Only way to combat this is to wisen up and not sing stuff you know you can’t. As well as reporting any hate crimes we see from the other side as well.
Too much common sense in that post. Still a proportion in here that haven’t got the message. All we can hope is they get it soon and before the damage to the club is worse.

Such a stupid thing to have done. Shows a lack of ingenuity as well. Other ways to get that message across.

We will only see things change when we stop gift wrapping opportunities for our haters.
There is an element of the support who simply will not take a telling in terms of their choice of songs or their behaviour. They continually give the likes of Dornan and Yousaf open goals that they take with utter glee.

At some point we are going to pay one hell of a punishment on the back of this if we don't wise up. As said above, if this sort of shit doesn't get nipped in the bud now we could be looking at potential stadium closures in the long run.

13 years on and folk are still singing the Famine Song knowing full well the reaction it's going to get. It's indefensible.
I've been trying to point out the same but it's never well received on here. Just relax, no one sings it in the ground anymore appears to be the message.
Why would you risk a charge and loosing your season ticket to sing that utter garbage song. Utterly baffling.

There was some chat that these videos were either dubbed or different words were sung but if that is the case it could of easily been nipped in the bud.

Has anyone made a complaint regarding the 'racist' anti-protestant chanting at the Dakota hotel yet?
I said in another post that our problem is that we expect others to make a complaint, you can report things to the police online now, every video, tweet, and message we see needs reported by everyone, not ignored in the hope someone else will do it.
we simply have to play them at their own game now. Videos the lot.
Scotland’s anthem is anti English racism so get that reported also
Has it been confirmed whether or not it was the UB who were the ones singing?

In all my years going to games I don't recall them ever singing it, so can't get my head around why they did this time.
It is often said we should keep certain songs for the bus or pubs. Looks like that isn't even an option now. It is quite a risky notion in any case because it is very likely they will filter inside the stadium at some point.
This is a fcking one way street we need to create a agency to tackle the filths sectarianism towards Britain's protestant community
I said in another post that our problem is that we expect others to make a complaint, you can report things to the police online now, every video, tweet, and message we see needs reported by everyone, not ignored in the hope someone else will do it.

While I agree with you completely the other side have a distinct advantage. They actually have government officials making police complaints and forcing them into action.

You would like to think there are non snp ministers looking to do similar on our behalf?
So the video was real?

I was wrong.

I am genuinely surprised.

Both that it was real and that the song has made a comeback.
You're making 1 hell of a leap tbf for a chant I'm pretty sure I've never heard home or away in a European tie even when it was regularly sung years ago.
A huge leap to suggest that unless this element of our fans stop singing whatever the fcuk they want whenever they want we're going to face severe consequences?

No doubt when it does happen the excuses will be trotted out for them anyway. "what about them?"
Let's see the usual suspects with Ira March right along the same stretch of street this Saturday at 3 o'clock on a busy Saturday. absolute fuckjng disgrace
A direct message to Nippy's gestapo should be put regards their blind eyes to everything coming from the Catholic side singing their songs of hate and songs in support of the IRA etc.,but I am only dreaming off course.

Rangers will do what Rangers always do. They'll hand out more lifetime bans.
UEFA & FARE are going to be rubbing their hands.

Part of me has just accepted full ground closure
We will be massivly under the spotlight at EL games after highlighting Kamara incident.
Any so called fans singing anti Catholic FTP add ons is doing so in the knowledge that they are hurting the club/fellow fans
The next sanction has been made clear will be stand/ ground closure.
How anybody could claim to be a fan and decide to deliberatly hurt the club and fellow fans is baffling.
A huge leap to suggest that unless this element of our fans stop singing whatever the fcuk they want whenever they want we're going to face severe consequences?

No doubt when it does happens the excuses will be trotted out for them anyway. "what about them?"
Was there any issues at any of the European games so far this season? I missed the 2nd through Covid but everything was fine at Malmo game I was at catching Covid apart. 2nd I watched on RTV seemed sound as well. I have more faith that the message is more or less through to the vast majority at games now. Away from games some obviously still think you can do what you want. Modern world of brain of Britains videoing and sharing means you can't.
The " sectarian " hokey-cokey song craziness should been the wake-up call as to what Holyrood had planned for Rangers fans and the wider Unionist community, but instead they promoted the moron responsible for advocating arrests and jail time for singing a kids song. Only voting the SNP out, then voting for the abolition of Holyrood will end this lunacy. As for Police Scotland, that appalling statement does not mention the term "alleged " once. They are setting the tone for a showtrial. They are also a discredited and compromised police force.
No, it doesn't identify them.
Doesn't have to surely as if it goes to trial the video is out there,accusations have been made and the political jury have already made their minds up that their guilty,also seeing as the SMSM has them as guilty as well people will already have seen that and be swayed by what they've seen/heard (or not heard properly).