Amanda, Queen of Newcastle

Interesting that Steve Bruce has retained the role of manager in the face of such speculation. I have no doubt he won't be there in the long term, but it will be interesting to see what, if any, effect this has on him and his players in the games to come.
Newcastle will be a very interesting place in the next few years. I cannot see it being a success (I assume they want to win trophies, whereas becoming a regular top 10 team will be a success after Ashley)
How much are they going to pay to get people to play up there (or will they lay on a daily jet from London )?
All a bit shady if you ask me. After what we have been through, we might not be the richest club in the world but I am at least confident that our major shareholders have our best interests at heart.

They might not be as proactive on safe standing and going after our enemies but at least they are Rangers men, not leaders of oil states with appalling human rights records.

The FA have allowed the English game to be whored, turning a blind eye to foreign owners who should be nowhere near a ‘fit and proper persons,’ test, all in the sake of money.
Newcastle will be a very interesting place in the next few years. I cannot see it being a success (I assume they want to win trophies, whereas becoming a regular top 10 team will be a success after Ashley)
How much are they going to pay to get people to play up there (or will they lay on a daily jet from London )?
I don’t see any difference between their situation and that of say Manchester City.

The London clubs enjoy a huge advantage in that London is a fantastic place to live, with communities from most countries and endless opportunities for those on footballers wages. Nowhere else, not Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, etc. can compete with that.
Interesting that Steve Bruce has retained the role of manager in the face of such speculation. I have no doubt he won't be there in the long term, but it will be interesting to see what, if any, effect this has on him and his players in the games to come.
Probably makes more sense to leave him in charge until they'll got a replacement ready to step in. Punting him and putting his assistant or one of the coaches in charge isn't really going to help.
Probably makes more sense to leave him in charge until they'll got a replacement ready to step in. Punting him and putting his assistant or one of the coaches in charge isn't really going to help.
It will either give the players a lift as some might want to be a part of it buy it could easily go the opposite way where the players might think %^*& it I'm not going to be here much longer with all the new players that will be linked to come in
A lot of talk about players not wanting to move to places outside of London. But the English Premier League has been dominated by Manchester United, Manchester City, and Liverpool for most of my life. Add to that the Champions League success of Manchester United and Liverpool over the same stretch.

With the right manager in place, Newcastle will attract world class players and reach a Champions League place. It's just a matter of time.
A lot of talk about players not wanting to move to places outside of London. But the English Premier League has been dominated by Manchester United, Manchester City, and Liverpool for most of my life. Add to that the Champions League success of Manchester United and Liverpool over the same stretch.

With the right manager in place, Newcastle will attract world class players and reach a Champions League place. It's just a matter of time.
If they are paying the highest wages in football then players will go.
She is the acceptable face of being the middlewoman in all of this. Look up her history with Barclays where she fronted the UAE deal during the financial crisis only for the Qatari's to win it.
Re attracting the best talent to Newcastle. I remember the story years ago that when David Ginola came up for signing talks, his wife was taken on a tour of the area including suitable properties focussing mainly on Ponteland. On arriving back at St James Park, when she was told DG had signed, she burst into tears.
I love that the English media seems to be collectively up in arms over this takeover; whereas a decade a go we had a bug-eyed ginger tramp climbing out of a Vauxhall Vectra outside Ibrox - and the Daily Record's top sports guy lauds him as a billionaire with 'wealth off the radar'
I prefer men