Official Welcome to Rangers - Danilo

The Heart and Hand pod with Adamski very good where a Feyenoord podder /journalist/s upporter tells you the pros and cons of Danilo and Dessers.
watched it on YouTube.

Welcome to Rangers Danilo.
Hope you chucked him, mate

I thought that today maybe on the radio his stats were played 48 and scored 14. I am hoping that is wrong as one goal every three games or so is not a lot.
Maybe somebody can find his goal scoring record over tha past two/three years which shows the above to be wrong.
I thought that today maybe on the radio his stats were played 48 and scored 14. I am hoping that is wrong as one goal every three games or so is not a lot.
Maybe somebody can find his goal scoring record over tha past two/three years which shows the above to be wrong.
A lot of sub appearances in that as he wasn’t their first choice. Someone totalled his gametime on here the other day and it was more like 14 goals and some assists within 16 full games.