Official We've lost about 12 hours of posts and threads

How dare you….
One of the admin fuckwits merged 41 threads (presumably selecting the Select All option) and we couldn't emerge them and had to go back to the last back-up done on the messageboard so we've lost a fair bit.

Not the Russian’s Chinese, North Korea’s or Scottish government this time then Mark, some may say they are all the same
Ah good, this actually works well for me - earlier I accidently posted stuff about anal probing on here that was intended for another forum.
One of the admin fuckwits merged 41 threads (presumably selecting the Select All option) and we couldn't emerge them and had to go back to the last back-up done on the messageboard so we've lost a fair bit.

Oh well at least my pissed up trolling has been obliterated .
I had to go outside and talk to people. Some of them even answered me.

I hope the admin understand the anguish they have caused us and punish those responsible accordingly.
Relieved to find the "He Just Walks Into Ibrox" thread is still going strong.