FFS Sportsound with Tom Ireland and John Heartless just now

We concede nothing.

They must be panicking about not getting the title if they are going down this route. It's disturbing at a time like this he is trying to create a situation where if we don't bow down to his demand our club would be morally wrong, in his warped mind of course.

As for Celtic needing to lose five games to lose the title that is simply not true. The gap is 13 points and we have a game in hand. If we win every match they would need to lose 3 and draw 1 for us to win the league.

So what you’re saying is, celtic are not yet mathematical certainties for the title?

Well that’s that then! The conversation’s over! Why are we even having this discussion?
Their comment makes no sense as mathematically we can catch them..they've obviously blocked helicopter Sunday and us winning the league against Killie from their minds...
Ra selick having to lose 5 of their last 8 needs to be explained to me.
I would have thought 2 doings from us, another loss and a draw would do it.
Big John obviously didn’t get his O level maths!
Hey Hartson, if you talk about the honourable thing to do, why don't C*ltic do the honourable thing and admit to the heinous charges against the victims of child abuse?

Thought so.

You speak of the honourable thing to do, yet,
honour is a million miles away from Seperate Entity FC.
It's becoming clear to me, that stupidity seems to be an undiagnosed early symptom of Covid 19.

Eh No Surrender.

Honestly, give them it.

It tops off the whole of their reign. Us on our knees, us away, us back and still crippled...world pandemic.

We should offer them the Europa as well.
not really a word associated with celtic and the celtic minded,is it. The most honourable thing to do would be to accept life is more important than the selfish self interest of the most vile,dishonourable club in the history of sport and if it's an honourable gesture they want then why don't they agree to void an unfinished season and let people concentrate on more important issues. But it's celtic we're talking about and we know what is more important to them and their ilk.
The BBC giving a platform to two anti Rangers dullard to push the agenda who would have thought it. Best ignored and concede nothing to their shameless club.
Here is my suggestion of an honourable position - no title awarded, no relegation, and the prize money split evenly between all 12 teams. In the current situation, is it really fair that Celtic should get 13% while the bottom placed team gets 4% (these were last year’s figures)?

So, the onus is on Celtic to do the right and honourable thing!
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BBC Porridge giving airtime for the call to award a title that ain't been won yet.

Wonder if any of the Producers on the show stopped to think of the THIRTEEN THOUSAND people that have so far lost their lives...If the last Rangers/celtc game would have gone ahead, that's 25% of the crowd total.

Scottish Producers must have rocks in their heads.

This country will be lucky to see the start of 2020/21 season, never mind finish this one.

This is all about putting pressure on making a decision prematurely, getting it out the way then No shame fc will celebrate.

Those b@stards would want restrictions lifted for an open topped bus to show off their 'totally deserved' win ffs.
Couldn't believe my eyes when I read the news.
Should have read " Celtic will get a lot of credit for wanting to play out the season or declare it null and void"
If we win every game until the end of the season the furthest we could be behind is 4 points. As a result I wouldn’t be conceeding anything. If we won the two old firms and our game in hand there is every chance Celtic would collapse
I know we are all going a bit crazy the now so please help me ...am I off my trolly in thinking that what I see factually before me is a null and void league ,yesterday, today and for the foreseable future ? It,s a null and void league. That is factually what we have and the sooner we stop with these fanciful plans to say it isn't the better for us all .
Strange place at the moment, I know there are double standards on here regarding posts being chopped at times,but it seems to be more cranky than is usual .
BBC Porridge giving airtime for the call to award a title that ain't been won yet.

Wonder if any of the Producers on the show stopped to think of the THIRTEEN THOUSAND people that have so far lost their lives...If the last Rangers/celtc game would have gone ahead, that's 25% of the crowd total.

Scottish Producers must have rocks in their heads.

This country will be lucky to see the start of 2020/21 season, never mind finish this one.

This is all about putting pressure on making a decision prematurely, getting it out the way then No shame fc will celebrate.

Those b@stards would want restrictions lifted for an open topped bus to show off their 'totally deserved' win ffs.
I think they are starting to get that semantics matter.
Rangers conceded (threw in towel) is a better asterisk than ** Title AWARDED.
This is why I have no problem (all other things aside) with them being awarded the title. Can't say you won it. A participation trophy. Enjoy.
Among everything that has been said, with everything that is going on, the SFA statements that the tuppence ha'penny Scottish Cup MUST be played out is the most sinister. That is an obvious "get to the quadra treble" thing. And that's what will happen. Once they are awarded the league it will be all systems go to finish the SC.
In every country in the world civil liberties are being curtailed with very little disturbance. Scotland is the only country in the world where canceling the football season will result in riots. Awarding the title to the Tims will not result in riots. Just a fact.
This is all about protecting themselves, windaes and families.
Do they not realise how undignified it is to even be talking about this just now? It is despicable but they are too far gone too care.

On the arithmetic surely if we win our nine games (and so beat them twice) they only need to draw two of their other 6 games for it to go to goal difference? How is it we need them to lose 5 times?
Do they not realise how undignified it is to even be talking about this just now? It is despicable but they are too far gone too care.

On the arithmetic surely if we win our nine games (and so beat them twice) they only need to draw two of their other 6 games for it to go to goal difference? How is it we need them to lose 5 times?
They employee peadophiles knowingly and claim
It was a different club. Do you think they care about the well being of anyone or anything other than their sick twisted cravings
"We're in uncharted waters. Nobody saw this coming.

"This could last another six, eight, nine months - and we'd have to close the season then.

"If the season doesn't get going then I think Rangers would come away with an awful lot of credit and great sportsmanship with the lead that Celtic have - it is a huge lead.

"Celtic probably need to lose five of their last eight games to be overtaken. Let's be realistic, that ain't going to happen.

"If Rangers were to say 'Right ok you have been worthy champions, you've got a massive lead and if the season was to stop Celtic would be handed the title'.

"I could honestly say I would say exactly the same thing if Rangers had the lead that Celtic have.

"There are certain cases, in my opinion, where you go 'Lets have a bit of common sense here'.

"If Rangers were to do something like that as a football club I really think it would bring football together.

"Look at the gratitude they would show. I think they would come out of it with huge respect and gratitude from the other clubs.

"It would be unbelievable if something like that was to happen.

"There is no way in anyone's mind that Rangers could catch Celtic."

The last desperation of a Tim is usually the "I would do the exact same thing if it was Rangers who were top"

No you wouldn't. Don't kid yourself.

would you happily concede the league and insist it be null and void if we were 10 / 13 points clear?
To be fair to Tom English he did make Hartson sound like the imbecile that he is.
As well as insisting that the suggestion could be easily reversed he said that if they were awarded the title it would forever be known as a 'tainted' title and be 8 1/2 in a row.
I don't like TE but he was dead set against them being awarded it.
title will always have an asterix beside it if the complicit sfa give them it ....no matter what....they won't have won 9
Imagine, if you will, Rangers were in a Competition, for arguments sake the Champions League, and one of the teams we competed against were then found guilty of massive corruption and bribery in their domestic League. Add to this allegations that they were also guilty of bribing another of their opponents in the Champions League to lose by a margin sufficient to ensure their own qualification to the Final at Rangers' expense.

Given such a scenario, predict the reaction of the Scottish media to such a deplorable and scandalous turn of events. Imagine the universal outcry and the vociferous demands that the whole matter be fully investigated and that if Rangers were cheated that the Final should be replayed with Rangers in their rightful place or Rangers given massive financial compensation.

That would surely be the moral high ground Scottish Football would persue - right..?

Oh wait...
Imagine, if you will, Rangers were in a Competition, for arguments sake the Champions League, and one of the teams we competed against were then found guilty of massive corruption and bribery in their domestic League. Add to this allegations that they were also guilty of bribing another of their opponents in the Champions League to lose by a margin sufficient to ensure their own qualification to the Final at Rangers' expense.

Given such a scenario, predict the reaction of the Scottish media to such a deplorable and scandalous turn of events. Imagine the universal outcry and the vociferous demands that the whole matter be fully investigated and that if Rangers were cheated that the Final should be replayed with Rangers in their rightful place or Rangers given massive financial compensation.

That would surely be the moral high ground Scottish Football would persue - right..?

Oh wait...
If that were to happen I would think that the SFA would help that club & help them fight it all the way, surely?

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